CIML Middle School Championship MS Girls 2 mile

Sam Wise Youth Complex, Altoona, IA

Oct. 15, 2013
60 degrees, overcast
Results by Michael Franke
Boys results here

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  1 Dowling Catholic         36    2    6    7   10   11   12   18    12:59    0:33
  2 Johnston                100    4   15   24   28   29   32   36    13:30    1:04
  3 Ames                    122    1   14   22   41   44   48   66    13:37    1:53
 4* Ankeny Centennial       136   17   23   26   33   37   42   43    13:47    0:34
 5* Ankeny                  136   19   21   30   31   35   60   69    13:46    0:30
  6 Valley                  161    3    5   25   63   65   67   78    13:51    2:15
  7 Indianola               199   16   20   51   54   58   59   68    14:13    1:30
  8 Waukee                  203    8   27   50   57   61   62   64    14:13    1:56
  9 Urbandale               216   34   38   39   52   53   55   79    14:18    0:37
 10 Southeast Polk          222    9   40   46   56   71   72   74    14:21    2:11
 11 Roosevelt               266   13   47   49   77   80   81   82    14:43    2:24
 12 Fort Dodge              364   45   75   76   83   85   88   89    15:31    1:48
 13 Marshalltown            400   70   73   84   86   87   90   91    16:08    1:56
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Catholic
    2  Janey Meilander, 7         12:38  
    6  Kelsey Schweizer, 7        12:58  
    7  Madison Batkiewicz, 8      12:58  
   10  Lindsey Batkiewicz, 7      13:10  
   11  Kate Timboe, 7             13:10  
   12  Megan Nelson, 7            13:21  
   18  Caroline Halliwell, 8      13:31  
Total Time = 1:04:52     Total Places = 36

2. Johnston
    4  Jessica McKee, 8           12:47  
   15  Lily Dunley, 7             13:25  
   24  Elizabeth Fjelstad, 8      13:38  
   28  Mackenzie Laughlin, 8      13:49  
   29  Peyton McClure, 8          13:50  
   32  Ally Andreasen, 8          13:52  
   36  Abbie Thilges, 7           14:02  
Total Time = 1:07:26     Total Places = 100

3. Ames
    1  Olivia Jenks, 8            12:29  
   14  Jayna Wanamaker, 7         13:24  
   22  Andrea Newman, 8           13:36  
   41  Melina Hegelheimer, 7      14:16  
   44  Eva Hill, 7                14:21  
   48  Eily Mickelson, 7          14:28  
   66  Kate Nettleton, 8          15:01  
Total Time = 1:08:03     Total Places = 122

4*. Ankeny Centennial
   17  Chloe Frazier, 8           13:30  
   23  Betsy Ridout, 8            13:37  
   26  Mackenzie Geiger, 8        13:45  
   33  Megan Gray, 8              13:58  
   37  Jaedyn Birchmier, 8        14:04  
   42  Kora Burke, 8              14:17  
   43  Kelsey Lyons, 8            14:20  
Total Time = 1:08:51     Total Places = 136

5*. Ankeny
   19  Meghan Trimble, 8          13:32  
   21  Alex Robran, 8             13:33  
   30  Elissa Peterson, 8         13:51  
   31  Annie McClure, 8           13:51  
   35  Ciara Gilliam, 8           14:02  
   60  Allison Varineau, 8        14:56  
   69  Maggie Hinrichs, 8         15:06  
Total Time = 1:08:46     Total Places = 136

6. Valley
    3  Helen Gould, 7             12:46  
    5  Danielle Rinn, 8           12:52  
   25  Ella McGuire, 8            13:39  
   63  Allie Spencer, 8           15:00  
   65  Danielle Nichols, 8        15:01  
   67  Allison Hutchinson, 8      15:02  
   78  Leah Jimmerson, 8          15:36  
Total Time = 1:09:15     Total Places = 161

7. Indianola
   16  Jadyn Forbes, 7            13:25  
   20  Grace Berg, 8              13:32  
   51  Liz Leech, 7               14:33  
   54  Paige Furler, 8            14:41  
   58  Jensen Gebhart, 8          14:54  
   59  Madison Geurts, 8          14:54  
   68  Morgan Bolten, 8           15:06  
Total Time = 1:11:04     Total Places = 199

8. Waukee
    8  Lily Campbell, 8           13:02  
   27  Erica Graham, 8            13:46  
   50  Ali O\'hern, 8             14:31  
   57  Katie Slauson, 8           14:51  
   61  Lexi Lewis, 8              14:58  
   62  Emma Bolles, 8             14:59  
   64  Brooke Trampel, 8          15:00  
Total Time = 1:11:05     Total Places = 203

9. Urbandale
   34  Zoe Carter, 7              13:59  
   38  Grace Rempe, 8             14:08  
   39  Sara Wilson, 8             14:12  
   52  Skylar Shellmyer, 8        14:34  
   53  Avery Peterson, 8          14:35  
   55  Carrie Cox, 7              14:45  
   79  Kathryn Mueller, 7         15:46  
Total Time = 1:11:26     Total Places = 216

10. Southeast Polk
    9  Sydney Milani, 8           13:05  
   40  Kelsey Grant, 8            14:13  
   46  Taylor Beyer, 8            14:24  
   56  Rachel Larkins, 8          14:47  
   71  Lindsay Chappell, 8        15:16  
   72  Grace Hinze, 8             15:18  
   74  Avery Abbas, 8             15:24  
Total Time = 1:11:43     Total Places = 222

11. Roosevelt
   13  Isabel Buchanan, 8         13:23  
   47  Ingrid Collett, 7          14:26  
   49  Claire Brocker, 8          14:31  
   77  Beyonce Karlstad, 7        15:30  
   80  Kori Holman, 8             15:46  
   81  Megan Flemming, 7          15:47  
   82  Hannah Neary, 8            15:48  
Total Time = 1:13:33     Total Places = 266

12. Fort Dodge
   45  Gabby Estlund, 8           14:23  
   75  Daphne Alstott, 7          15:26  
   76  Chloe Hamlow, 7            15:27  
   83  Dakota Ganzeveld, 8        16:07  
   85  Ellie Yoder, 7             16:11  
   88  Emily Price, 8             17:46  
   89  Imani Shivers, 7           17:48  
Total Time = 1:17:31     Total Places = 364

13. Marshalltown
   70  Victoria Johnson, 8        15:12  
   73  Tanna Underhill, 7         15:23  
   84  Sloan Vry, 7               16:10  
   86  Sarah Jacobs, 8            16:44  
   87  Megan Bell, 7              17:08  
   90  Maddy Jelken, 8            17:51  
   91  Arneson Olivia, 8          18:03  
Total Time = 1:20:36     Total Places = 400
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Olivia Jenks, 8            12:29    Ames                 
    2     2  Janey Meilander, 7         12:38    Dowling Catholic     
    3     3  Helen Gould, 7             12:46    Valley               
    4     4  Jessica McKee, 8           12:47    Johnston             
    5     5  Danielle Rinn, 8           12:52    Valley               
    6     6  Kelsey Schweizer, 7        12:58    Dowling Catholic     
    7     7  Madison Batkiewicz, 8      12:58    Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Lily Campbell, 8           13:02    Waukee               
    9     9  Sydney Milani, 8           13:05    Southeast Polk       
   10    10  Lindsey Batkiewicz, 7      13:10    Dowling Catholic     
   11    11  Kate Timboe, 7             13:10    Dowling Catholic     
   12    12  Megan Nelson, 7            13:21    Dowling Catholic     
   13    13  Isabel Buchanan, 8         13:23    Roosevelt            
   14    14  Jayna Wanamaker, 7         13:24    Ames                 
   15    15  Lily Dunley, 7             13:25    Johnston             
   16    16  Jadyn Forbes, 7            13:25    Indianola            
   17    17  Chloe Frazier, 8           13:30    Ankeny Centennial    
   18    18  Caroline Halliwell, 8      13:31    Dowling Catholic     
   19    19  Meghan Trimble, 8          13:32    Ankeny               
   20    20  Grace Berg, 8              13:32    Indianola            
   21    21  Alex Robran, 8             13:33    Ankeny               
   22        Caroline Fink, 7           13:33    Dowling Catholic     
   23    22  Andrea Newman, 8           13:36    Ames                 
   24    23  Betsy Ridout, 8            13:37    Ankeny Centennial    
   25    24  Elizabeth Fjelstad, 8      13:38    Johnston             
   26    25  Ella McGuire, 8            13:39    Valley               
   27        Caroline Lilly, 7          13:42    Dowling Catholic     
   28    26  Mackenzie Geiger, 8        13:45    Ankeny Centennial    
   29    27  Erica Graham, 8            13:46    Waukee               
   30    28  Mackenzie Laughlin, 8      13:49    Johnston             
   31        Sydnee Miller, 7           13:49    Dowling Catholic     
   32    29  Peyton McClure, 8          13:50    Johnston             
   33    30  Elissa Peterson, 8         13:51    Ankeny               
   34    31  Annie McClure, 8           13:51    Ankeny               
   35    32  Ally Andreasen, 8          13:52    Johnston             
   36    33  Megan Gray, 8              13:58    Ankeny Centennial    
   37        Andrea Goodman, 8          13:58    Dowling Catholic     
   38    34  Zoe Carter, 7              13:59    Urbandale            
   39    35  Ciara Gilliam, 8           14:02    Ankeny               
   40    36  Abbie Thilges, 7           14:02    Johnston             
   41        Molly Flood, 8             14:03    Dowling Catholic     
   42    37  Jaedyn Birchmier, 8        14:04    Ankeny Centennial    
   43        Kirby Power, 8             14:06    Dowling Catholic     
   44    38  Grace Rempe, 8             14:08    Urbandale            
   45        Emily Erickson, 8          14:10    Dowling Catholic     
   46        Claire Burger, 8           14:12    Johnston             
   47    39  Sara Wilson, 8             14:12    Urbandale            
   48        Kate Hapgood, 7            14:12    Johnston             
   49    40  Kelsey Grant, 8            14:13    Southeast Polk       
   50    41  Melina Hegelheimer, 7      14:16    Ames                 
   51        Bella Heidesch, 7          14:17    Dowling Catholic     
   52    42  Kora Burke, 8              14:17    Ankeny Centennial    
   53    43  Kelsey Lyons, 8            14:20    Ankeny Centennial    
   54    44  Eva Hill, 7                14:21    Ames                 
   55        Sophie Maras, 7            14:22    Johnston             
   56        Alexis Riesberg, 7         14:23    Dowling Catholic     
   57    45  Gabby Estlund, 8           14:23    Fort Dodge           
   58    46  Taylor Beyer, 8            14:24    Southeast Polk       
   59        Taryn Swaim, 8             14:24    Johnston             
   60    47  Ingrid Collett, 7          14:26    Roosevelt            
   61    48  Eily Mickelson, 7          14:28    Ames                 
   62        Camaryn Mohan, 8           14:30    Dowling Catholic     
   63    49  Claire Brocker, 8          14:31    Roosevelt            
   64    50  Ali O\'hern, 8             14:31    Waukee               
   65    51  Liz Leech, 7               14:33    Indianola            
   66    52  Skylar Shellmyer, 8        14:34    Urbandale            
   67        Emma Peck, 8               14:35    Ankeny Centennial    
   68    53  Avery Peterson, 8          14:35    Urbandale            
   69    54  Paige Furler, 8            14:41    Indianola            
   70        Grace Campidilli, 7        14:43    Johnston             
   71    55  Carrie Cox, 7              14:45    Urbandale            
   72    56  Rachel Larkins, 8          14:47    Southeast Polk       
   73        Kelsey Hostetler, 7        14:48    Johnston             
   74    57  Katie Slauson, 8           14:51    Waukee               
   75        Lauren Urban, 7            14:52    Johnston             
   76        Mackenzie Bennett, 8       14:53    Ankeny Centennial    
   77        Sadie Broka, 7             14:54    Johnston             
   78    58  Jensen Gebhart, 8          14:54    Indianola            
   79    59  Madison Geurts, 8          14:54    Indianola            
   80    60  Allison Varineau, 8        14:56    Ankeny               
   81    61  Lexi Lewis, 8              14:58    Waukee               
   82    62  Emma Bolles, 8             14:59    Waukee               
   83    63  Allie Spencer, 8           15:00    Valley               
   84    64  Brooke Trampel, 8          15:00    Waukee               
   85    65  Danielle Nichols, 8        15:01    Valley               
   86        Emma Frazier, 8            15:01    Ankeny Centennial    
   87    66  Kate Nettleton, 8          15:01    Ames                 
   88    67  Allison Hutchinson, 8      15:02    Valley               
   89        Hannah Short, 8            15:02    Johnston             
   90    68  Morgan Bolten, 8           15:06    Indianola            
   91    69  Maggie Hinrichs, 8         15:06    Ankeny               
   92        Libby Storts, 8            15:09    Waukee               
   93        Bailey Furler, 8           15:09    Indianola            
   94        Laura McKenzie, 8          15:09    Ankeny               
   95        Alli Jacobsen, 8           15:09    Ankeny               
   96        Anna Eakle, 8              15:10    Ankeny               
   97    70  Victoria Johnson, 8        15:12    Marshalltown         
   98    71  Lindsay Chappell, 8        15:16    Southeast Polk       
   99        Amy Yang, 7                15:16    Ames                 
  100        Hailey Russell, 7          15:16    Johnston             
  101        Anna Zinselmeier, 8        15:17    Johnston             
  102    72  Grace Hinze, 8             15:18    Southeast Polk       
  103    73  Tanna Underhill, 7         15:23    Marshalltown         
  104    74  Avery Abbas, 8             15:24    Southeast Polk       
  105    75  Daphne Alstott, 7          15:26    Fort Dodge           
  106    76  Chloe Hamlow, 7            15:27    Fort Dodge           
  107        Kailee Allen, 8            15:28    Waukee               
  108    77  Beyonce Karlstad, 7        15:30    Roosevelt            
  109        Natalie Alleman, 8         15:34    Ankeny               
  110        Samantha Kline, 8          15:35    Southeast Polk       
  111        Isabella Hanniford, 8      15:36    Southeast Polk       
  112    78  Leah Jimmerson, 8          15:36    Valley               
  113        Jamie Hoss, 7              15:38    Johnston             
  114        Madeline Gibson, 8         15:39    Waukee               
  115        Alex Thorson, 8            15:41    Waukee               
  116        Cassie Greene, 8           15:41    Valley               
  117        Jillian Shoultz, 7         15:42    Johnston             
  118        Kira Simmons, 7            15:42    Ames                 
  119        Allison Coffey, 7          15:42    Indianola            
  120        Isabel Ingram, 8           15:43    Ames                 
  121        Olivia Lauber, 8           15:44    Ames                 
  122        Amy Johnson, 8             15:44    Valley               
  123        Susie Sullivan, 8          15:44    Johnston             
  124        Megan Solberg, 7           15:44    Johnston             
  125    79  Kathryn Mueller, 7         15:46    Urbandale            
  126    80  Kori Holman, 8             15:46    Roosevelt            
  127        Hope Johnson, 7            15:46    Urbandale            
  128    81  Megan Flemming, 7          15:47    Roosevelt            
  129    82  Hannah Neary, 8            15:48    Roosevelt            
  130        Rachel VanderHart, 7       15:49    Urbandale            
  131        Amber Bormann, 8           15:49    Roosevelt            
  132        Shaye Coughlin, 8          15:49    Waukee               
  133        Nora Kirsch, 8             15:50    Waukee               
  134        Emma Walters, 8            15:51    Roosevelt            
  135        Taylor Hatch, 8            15:52    Waukee               
  136        Helena Anderson, 7         15:52    Roosevelt            
  137        Laurel McGonegle, 8        15:52    Dowling Catholic     
  138        Dana Thacker, 7            15:53    Johnston             
  139        Hanna Peterman, 8          15:55    Johnston             
  140        Sonja Barrett, 8           15:56    Waukee               
  141        Alexis Schweizer, 7        15:56    Dowling Catholic     
  142        Madeline Huntley, 8        15:56    Waukee               
  143        Clair Jones, 8             15:57    Valley               
  144        Emma Shanahan, 8           15:57    Roosevelt            
  145        Meredith Long, 8           15:58    Ankeny Centennial    
  146        Anna Nelson, 8             16:00    Waukee               
  147        T\\\\\\\'ana Smith, 7      16:00    Ames                 
  148        Tavia Dreismeier, 8        16:02    Ankeny Centennial    
  149        Lauren Beardsley, 8        16:03    Ankeny               
  150        Abby Nichol, 7             16:03    Johnston             
  151        Ashley Truman, 8           16:03    Ankeny               
  152        Olivia Oppedal, 8          16:05    Ames                 
  153    83  Dakota Ganzeveld, 8        16:07    Fort Dodge           
  154        Ava Logsdon, 8             16:08    Dowling Catholic     
  155        McKenzie Paulsen, 8        16:09    Valley               
  156    84  Sloan Vry, 7               16:10    Marshalltown         
  157    85  Ellie Yoder, 7             16:11    Fort Dodge           
  158        Autumn Keleture, 8         16:11    Valley               
  159        Sydney Mitchell, 8         16:12    Valley               
  160        Alexis Burrows, 8          16:12    Southeast Polk       
  161        Mia Hughs, 7               16:12    Indianola            
  162        Corey Oakes, 7             16:13    Indianola            
  163        Jasmin Lacey, 8            16:14    Urbandale            
  164        Olivia McKelvey, 7         16:14    Indianola            
  165        Grace Foxen, 8             16:15    Waukee               
  166        Chloe Spring, 8            16:17    Southeast Polk       
  167        Regan Doud, 8              16:18    Waukee               
  168        Maddie Daughenbaugh, 7     16:19    Indianola            
  169        Ellie Blosser, 7           16:19    Indianola            
  170        Anna Keplinger, 8          16:20    Waukee               
  171        Katie Miller, 8            16:22    Ankeny Centennial    
  172        Hailey Starcevik, 8        16:23    Southeast Polk       
  173        Isabel Shaw, 8             16:24    Southeast Polk       
  174        Lauren Wadle, 8            16:24    Waukee               
  175        Chloe Thostenson, 8        16:24    Southeast Polk       
  176        Eva Long, 8                16:25    Ankeny Centennial    
  177        Rebecca Melde, 7           16:26    Dowling Catholic     
  178        Emma Grimm, 7              16:26    Roosevelt            
  179        Katie Uitenbroek, 7        16:27    Johnston             
  180        Kaylee Tiffin, 8           16:27    Southeast Polk       
  181        Josie Hovey, 7             16:29    Johnston             
  182        Hannah Watson, 8           16:31    Ankeny Centennial    
  183        Erica Rineheart, 8         16:31    Southeast Polk       
  184        Arie Sirotiak, 8           16:32    Ames                 
  185        Zoe Roccasecca, 8          16:32    Ankeny               
  186        Hannah Petersen, 8         16:33    Southeast Polk       
  187        Anika Schmitt, 8           16:37    Johnston             
  188        Halley Brocker, 8          16:41    Roosevelt            
  189        Jordyn Bostwick, 8         16:43    Ankeny               
  190        Molly Kane, 8              16:43    Johnston             
  191        Dale Neal, 7               16:44    Roosevelt            
  192    86  Sarah Jacobs, 8            16:44    Marshalltown         
  193        Claire Brown, 8            16:45    Waukee               
  194        Mali Balistad, 8           16:45    Ames                 
  195        Megan DeReus, 8            16:46    Southeast Polk       
  196        Kate Michalski, 7          16:47    Johnston             
  197        Gaby Haynes, 7             16:49    Indianola            
  198        Ava McDonald, 8            16:49    Southeast Polk       
  199        Izzy Obrien, 7             16:51    Roosevelt            
  200        Lydia Berry, 8             16:52    Roosevelt            
  201        Emma Slifka, 8             16:54    Southeast Polk       
  202        Sarah McKenzie, 8          16:54    Dowling Catholic     
  203        Katie Mitchell, 8          16:55    Johnston             
  204        Marissa Brunick, 8         16:57    Johnston             
  205        Madalyn Sebastian, 7       17:00    Urbandale            
  206        Julia Gyure, 7             17:04    Urbandale            
  207        Kathryn Rozanek, 8         17:06    Valley               
  208        Emma Pelligrino, 8         17:07    Southeast Polk       
  209        Aditi Vaidya, 8            17:07    Waukee               
  210    87  Megan Bell, 7              17:08    Marshalltown         
  211        Jocelyn Patterson, 8       17:09    Roosevelt            
  212        Jenna Lee-Johnson, 7       17:09    Indianola            
  213        Sarah Smith, 7             17:10    Roosevelt            
  214        Allie Omeara, 8            17:10    Indianola            
  215        Charisma Mendez, 8         17:12    Valley               
  216        Kaysia Santiago, 7         17:12    Ames                 
  217        Michaela Kemnitzer, 8      17:15    Southeast Polk       
  218        Kelsie Simonsen, 8         17:18    Southeast Polk       
  219        Kylie Glover, 7            17:18    Ames                 
  220        Jenny Sprecher, 8          17:19    Valley               
  221        Haley Buchanan, 8          17:20    Valley               
  222        Achol Malow, 8             17:20    Urbandale            
  223        Sierra Heimbuck, 8         17:20    Valley               
  224        Morgan Hansen, 8           17:21    Valley               
  225        Carley Wyble, 8            17:25    Valley               
  226        Denelle Lester, 7          17:25    Urbandale            
  227        Hannah Riggs, 7            17:26    Indianola            
  228        Stella Murphy, 8           17:28    Roosevelt            
  229        Swathi Damodaran, 8        17:34    Johnston             
  230        Allison Schafer, 8         17:36    Southeast Polk       
  231        Anne Percival, 8           17:41    Roosevelt            
  232        Paige VanWyk, 8            17:43    Southeast Polk       
  233        Emma Davis, 8              17:45    Dowling Catholic     
  234        Antoinette Veldhuizen, 8   17:45    Southeast Polk       
  235    88  Emily Price, 8             17:46    Fort Dodge           
  236    89  Imani Shivers, 7           17:48    Fort Dodge           
  237        Cassidy Dilks, 8           17:49    Southeast Polk       
  238        Mara Crimmins, 8           17:50    Fort Dodge           
  239    90  Maddy Jelken, 8            17:51    Marshalltown         
  240        Caylee Fuqua, 7            17:53    Ames                 
  241        Rebekah Slight, 8          17:55    Southeast Polk       
  242        Kathryn Shields, 7         17:56    Ames                 
  243        Kenzie Kubovich, 8         17:58    Johnston             
  244        Sydney Peterman, 8         17:58    Johnston             
  245        Kali Dixon, 7              18:02    Urbandale            
  246        Evie Nelson, 7             18:02    Roosevelt            
  247    91  Arneson Olivia, 8          18:03    Marshalltown         
  248        Gretchen Benscoter, 8      18:03    Marshalltown         
  249        Lydia Linch, 7             18:04    Ames                 
  250        Grace Metzger, 8           18:07    Marshalltown         
  251        Sydney Bogart, 8           18:08    Waukee               
  252        Zaira Garcia, 7            18:08    Urbandale            
  253        Sloan Speten, 8            18:08    Waukee               
  254        Delilah Fidler, 8          18:10    Valley               
  255        Lizzie Napier, 8           18:19    Valley               
  256        Liz Lau, 8                 18:19    Valley               
  257        Beth Cyr, 8                18:25    Ames                 
  258        Emily Asay, 7              18:38    Fort Dodge           
  259        Katie Lajoie, 8            18:42    Ankeny Centennial    
  260        Josie Essing, 8            18:43    Fort Dodge           
  261        Mary Kemnitzer, 8          18:44    Southeast Polk       
  262        Jillian Mack, 8            18:47    Valley               
  263        Lauren Endrizal, 7         18:49    Indianola            
  264        Maria Kozakova, 7          18:56    Ames                 
  265        Cierra Kensey, 7           18:58    Indianola            
  266        Haley Morey, 7             18:59    Indianola            
  267        Kit Stoelk, 7              19:00    Urbandale            
  268        Jill Podhajsky, 8          19:01    Marshalltown         
  269        Josie Taylor, 7            19:02    Ames                 
  270        CeCe Vlach, 7              19:06    Johnston             
  271        Taylor Johnson, 8          19:17    Valley               
  272        Jacqueline Wahl, 8         19:22    Marshalltown         
  273        Paw Poe, 7                 19:41    Marshalltown         
  274        Jaedyn Koehn, 7            19:41    Ames                 
  275        Mariah Harney, 8           19:42    Southeast Polk       
  276        Ashlyn Naeve, 8            19:43    Southeast Polk       
  277        Grace Kim, 7               19:45    Ames                 
  278        Paige Penningroth, 8       19:49    Urbandale            
  279        Cora Johnston, 8           19:50    Roosevelt            
  280        Brylea Grady, 7            19:52    Fort Dodge           
  281        Lauren Fisher, 7           19:55    Urbandale            
  282        Victoria Schwartz, 7       19:59    Ames                 
  283        Kelsey Boal, 8             20:10    Valley               
  284        Elizabeth Day, 8           20:13    Valley               
  285        Hannah Hawkins, 8          20:17    Southeast Polk       
  286        Sara Medina, 8             20:19    Southeast Polk       
  287        Olivia Stone, 7            20:33    Marshalltown         
  288        Kelsey Dostal, 7           20:34    Marshalltown         
  289        Aspen Holm, 7              20:41    Ames                 
  290        Laura Kerton, 7            20:44    Ames                 
  291        Lydia Spurgeon, 8          20:50    Ames                 
  292        Lorelei Chodur, 7          20:51    Urbandale            
  293        Kayla Smith, 7             21:35    Fort Dodge           
  294        Golara Malaki, 8           21:50    Ames                 
  295        Amber Mohmand, 8           22:00    Ames                 
  296        Jenna Pastour, 8           22:06    Southeast Polk       
  297        Emily Miller, 7            22:19    Marshalltown         
  298        Samantha Pareti, 8         22:25    Ankeny               
  299        Sophia Hannish, 7          22:29    Fort Dodge           
  300        Kate Saunders, 8           22:30    Roosevelt            
  301        Hanna Tanner, 7            22:43    Johnston             
  302        Ellie Odole, 7             22:53    Roosevelt            
  303        Sadie Lindgren, 8          23:45    Ankeny               
  304        Kira Davis, 7              24:44    Ames                 
  305        Anastasia Kemnitzer, 8     25:04    Southeast Polk       
  306        Sam Leeper, 8              25:04    Valley               

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