Johnston Middle School Girls 2 mile

Walnut Ridge, Saylorville Park, IA

Sep. 6, 2011

Great XC weather

Results by Michael Franke

Boys results HERE

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  1 Johnston 8th             42    5    6    9   10   12   26   27    13:46    0:16
  2 ames                     54    1    8   13   15   17   18   20    13:52    1:09
  3 Dowling Catholic         76    3    4    7   23   39   40   41    14:08    1:51
  4 Indianola               106    2   21   22   30   31   32   44    14:30    1:38
  5 Ankeny                  137   16   25   28   33   35   36   37    14:48    1:06
  6 Johnston 7th            140   11   24   29   34   42   46   50    14:51    1:44
  7 Waukee                  165   14   19   38   45   49   52   53    15:12    2:13
  8 Southeast Polk          261   43   51   54   55   58   62   63    17:15    3:17
  9 Saydel High School      267   47   48   56   57   59   60   61    17:43    3:01

Incomplete Teams: North Polk
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston 8th
    5  Anna Toot, 8               13:37  
    6  Maddy Bradley, 8           13:38  
    9  Sara Ness, 8               13:51  
   10  Brittany Martin, 8         13:51  
   12  Kristina Rice, 8           13:53  
   26  Maddie Thilges, 8          14:49  
   27  Brooke Sandstone, 8        14:50  
Total Time = 1:08:47     Total Places = 42

2. ames
    1  Claire Dupuis, 8           13:13  
    8  Hartley Christenson, 7     13:46  
   13  Caila Vanscoy, 8           13:59  
   15  Ryan Weiss, 7              14:01  
   17  Emily Frisk, 8             14:21  
   18  Margit Herrmann, 8         14:22  
   20  Maddie Kouba, 8            14:27  
Total Time = 1:09:19     Total Places = 54

3. Dowling Catholic
    3  Harriet Hubbell, 7         13:26  
    4  Caroline Warmouth, 8       13:32  
    7  Erin Cahalan, 8            13:45  
   23  Anne Teeling, 7            14:40  
   39  Rachel Svendsen, 8         15:16  
   40  Kate Kelly, 8              15:25  
   41  Olivia Denkinger, 7        15:26  
Total Time = 1:10:37     Total Places = 76

4. Indianola
    2  Paige Nicholson, 8         13:24  
   21  Clara Johnson, 7           14:32  
   22  Elise Askelsen, 8          14:37  
   30  Katelyn Schulze, 7         14:56  
   31  Kate Leech, 8              15:02  
   32  Hannah Snodgrass, 8        15:04  
   44  Michaela Barretta, 7       16:07  
Total Time = 1:12:30     Total Places = 106

5. Ankeny
   16  Xan Westercamp, 8          14:05  
   25  Asgton Stephenson, 8       14:45  
   28  Jenna Iverson, 8           14:50  
   33  Lexi Cain, 8               15:08  
   35  Malorie Strong, 8          15:11  
   36  Taylor Brown, 8            15:12  
   37  Jamie Larson, 8            15:12  
Total Time = 1:13:58     Total Places = 137

6. Johnston 7th
   11  Biz Foutch, 7              13:52  
   24  Hannah Espeland, 7         14:42  
   29  Emily Poss, 7              14:54  
   34  Paige Sieren, 7            15:09  
   42  Shivani Kumaresan, 7       15:36  
   46  Uma Patel, 7               16:10  
   50  Ally Cornwall, 7           16:23  
Total Time = 1:14:11     Total Places = 140

7. Waukee
   14  Rachel Brush, 8            14:00  
   19  Haley Smith, 8             14:26  
   38  Elli Lenz, 8               15:13  
   45  Sydney Day, 8              16:10  
   49  Madi Anderson, 8           16:13  
   52  Sarah Wadle, 8             16:38  
   53  Nastia Lentell, 8          16:43  
Total Time = 1:15:59     Total Places = 165

8. Southeast Polk
   43  Abigail Chapman, 8         15:53  
   51  Isabelle Johnson, 8        16:31  
   54  Jordan Leo, 8              16:54  
   55  Brooke Chesmore, 8         17:48  
   58  Rebecca Petithory, 8       19:10  
   62  Tera VonTersch, 8          22:08  
   63  McKenzie Gruchow, 8        22:11  
Total Time = 1:26:14     Total Places = 261

9. Saydel High School
   47  Cassie Chubb, 8            16:12  
   48  Lyndsey Bianchi, 7         16:13  
   56  Ashley Kouski, 7           18:21  
   57  April Knight, 8            18:37  
   59  Olivia Erdelt, 7           19:13  
   60  Allison Furman, 8          20:10  
   61  Shelby Weber, 7            20:11  
Total Time = 1:28:33     Total Places = 267
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Claire Dupuis, 8           13:13    ames                 
    2     2  Paige Nicholson, 8         13:24    Indianola            
    3     3  Harriet Hubbell, 7         13:26    Dowling Catholic     
    4     4  Caroline Warmouth, 8       13:32    Dowling Catholic     
    5     5  Anna Toot, 8               13:37    Johnston 8th         
    6     6  Maddy Bradley, 8           13:38    Johnston 8th         
    7     7  Erin Cahalan, 8            13:45    Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Hartley Christenson, 7     13:46    ames                 
    9     9  Sara Ness, 8               13:51    Johnston 8th         
   10    10  Brittany Martin, 8         13:51    Johnston 8th         
   11    11  Biz Foutch, 7              13:52    Johnston 7th         
   12    12  Kristina Rice, 8           13:53    Johnston 8th         
   13    13  Caila Vanscoy, 8           13:59    ames                 
   14    14  Rachel Brush, 8            14:00    Waukee               
   15    15  Ryan Weiss, 7              14:01    ames                 
   16    16  Xan Westercamp, 8          14:05    Ankeny               
   17    17  Emily Frisk, 8             14:21    ames                 
   18    18  Margit Herrmann, 8         14:22    ames                 
   19    19  Haley Smith, 8             14:26    Waukee               
   20    20  Maddie Kouba, 8            14:27    ames                 
   21        Macy Vollbrecht, 8         14:28    ames                 
   22    21  Clara Johnson, 7           14:32    Indianola            
   23    22  Elise Askelsen, 8          14:37    Indianola            
   24    23  Anne Teeling, 7            14:40    Dowling Catholic     
   25    24  Hannah Espeland, 7         14:42    Johnston 7th         
   26        Katie Fukushima, 7         14:44    ames                 
   27    25  Asgton Stephenson, 8       14:45    Ankeny               
   28    26  Maddie Thilges, 8          14:49    Johnston 8th         
   29        Bariah Forney, 7           14:49    ames                 
   30    27  Brooke Sandstone, 8        14:50    Johnston 8th         
   31    28  Jenna Iverson, 8           14:50    Ankeny               
   32    29  Emily Poss, 7              14:54    Johnston 7th         
   33        Elizabeth Fowler, 7        14:55    ames                 
   34        Haley Pemble, 8            14:56    Johnston 8th         
   35    30  Katelyn Schulze, 7         14:56    Indianola            
   36    31  Kate Leech, 8              15:02    Indianola            
   37    32  Hannah Snodgrass, 8        15:04    Indianola            
   38    33  Lexi Cain, 8               15:08    Ankeny               
   39    34  Paige Sieren, 7            15:09    Johnston 7th         
   40    35  Malorie Strong, 8          15:11    Ankeny               
   41        Sarah Freidrich, 8         15:12    ames                 
   42    36  Taylor Brown, 8            15:12    Ankeny               
   43    37  Jamie Larson, 8            15:12    Ankeny               
   44    38  Elli Lenz, 8               15:13    Waukee               
   45    39  Rachel Svendsen, 8         15:16    Dowling Catholic     
   46        Emily Rehmann, 7           15:23    ames                 
   47    40  Kate Kelly, 8              15:25    Dowling Catholic     
   48    41  Olivia Denkinger, 7        15:26    Dowling Catholic     
   49    42  Shivani Kumaresan, 7       15:36    Johnston 7th         
   50        Cory Laverty, 8            15:39    Ankeny               
   51        Taylor Junck, 7            15:46    ames                 
   52        Jessica Rehmann, 8         15:49    ames                 
   53        Alyssa Lehman, 8           15:50    ames                 
   54    43  Abigail Chapman, 8         15:53    Southeast Polk       
   55        Kylie Regensburger, 8      15:55    Ankeny               
   56        Megan Car, 8               15:56    Ankeny               
   57        Dagney Paskach, 8          16:02    ames                 
   58    44  Michaela Barretta, 7       16:07    Indianola            
   59        Danie Vanderpool, 8        16:08    Indianola            
   60    45  Sydney Day, 8              16:10    Waukee               
   61    46  Uma Patel, 7               16:10    Johnston 7th         
   62    47  Cassie Chubb, 8            16:12    Saydel High School   
   63    48  Lyndsey Bianchi, 7         16:13    Saydel High School   
   64    49  Madi Anderson, 8           16:13    Waukee               
   65        Jillian Jaeger, 7          16:13    Dowling Catholic     
   66        Ryli Smith, 8              16:14    Ankeny               
   67        Olivia Danner, 8           16:14    Ankeny               
   68        Courtney Palmersheim, 8    16:14    Ankeny               
   69        Lauren Singbush, 8         16:19    Johnston 8th         
   70        Jeanne Gookin, 8           16:22    Dowling Catholic     
   71        Gracie McConnell, 8        16:23    Indianola            
   72    50  Ally Cornwall, 7           16:23    Johnston 7th         
   73        Katie Westlake, 8          16:24    Indianola            
   74        Jacque McGinnis, 7         16:24    Indianola            
   75    51  Isabelle Johnson, 8        16:31    Southeast Polk       
   76    52  Sarah Wadle, 8             16:38    Waukee               
   77    53  Nastia Lentell, 8          16:43    Waukee               
   78        Ellie Drees, 8             16:51    Waukee               
   79        Hayley Martens, 7          16:52    ames                 
   80        Katie Wempen, 8            16:54    Waukee               
   81    54  Jordan Leo, 8              16:54    Southeast Polk       
   82        Emma Califf, 8             16:55    Ankeny               
   83        Megan Halliwell, 8         16:55    Dowling Catholic     
   84        Taelor Jacobs, 7           16:55    North Polk           
   85        Kennedy Cole, 8            16:56    Indianola            
   86        Hannah Manfull, 8          16:58    Ankeny               
   87        Madi Banyas, 8             16:59    Ankeny               
   88        Xiao Liu, 7                16:59    Johnston 7th         
   89        Carley Watson, 7           17:00    ames                 
   90        Jilian Blum, 8             17:00    ames                 
   91        Danielle Mallas, 7         17:01    ames                 
   92        Molly Bagnall, 8           17:01    ames                 
   93        Hannah Draayer, 8          17:02    Ankeny               
   94        Sydney Downing, 8          17:02    Ankeny               
   95        Emma Sorensen, 8           17:03    Ankeny               
   96        Olivia Goodale, 8          17:03    Johnston 8th         
   97        Brianna Aberson-Distler, 7 17:04    Indianola            
   98        Anjae Smith, 8             17:05    Indianola            
   99        Claire Wiedmaier, 8        17:06    Indianola            
  100        Elaina Zeroni, 8           17:07    Indianola            
  101        Kate Irwin, 8              17:15    Johnston 8th         
  102        Schmitz Selena, 8          17:16    ames                 
  103        Shelley Baldrige, 7        17:18    ames                 
  104        Allyson Goodman, 7         17:20    ames                 
  105        Jordan Welp, 7             17:21    ames                 
  106        Kyliegh Cowles, 7          17:25    ames                 
  107        Mallory Schuller, 8        17:26    Ankeny               
  108        Kylie Barbour, 8           17:32    Ankeny               
  109        Jenna Morrison, 8          17:34    Waukee               
  110        Sydney Baxter, 8           17:36    Ankeny               
  111        Taylor Boozell, 8          17:37    Indianola            
  112        Alyssa Luloff, 8           17:40    Waukee               
  113    55  Brooke Chesmore, 8         17:48    Southeast Polk       
  114        Sadie Swygman, 8           17:49    North Polk           
  115        Alyona Pearson, 8          17:50    ames                 
  116        Tiffany Chu, 7             17:51    ames                 
  117        Hannah Lohafer, 8          17:52    ames                 
  118        Noelle Flugrad, 7          17:53    ames                 
  119        Taylor Lenhart, 8          17:57    Ankeny               
  120        Allison Martz, 8           17:57    Ankeny               
  121        Kate Kielkopf, 8           17:59    Indianola            
  122        Chloe Knupp, 8             18:03    Dowling Catholic     
  123        Nicole Nabity, 8           18:04    Ankeny               
  124        Lexie Norris, 7            18:06    Johnston 7th         
  125        Lindsey Veatch, 8          18:08    Johnston 8th         
  126        Jazmin Tejada, 8           18:11    Dowling Catholic     
  127        Lila Rice, 8               18:13    ames                 
  128        Tori Goertz, 8             18:17    Waukee               
  129        Hannah Roethler, 8         18:18    Waukee               
  130        Jenni Wilson, 8            18:18    Indianola            
  131        Savanna Henning, 8         18:18    Ankeny               
  132        Brooke Lilienthal, 8       18:19    Ankeny               
  133        Sonja Christiansen, 7      18:19    Indianola            
  134    56  Ashley Kouski, 7           18:21    Saydel High School   
  135        Josie Dubiel, 8            18:35    ames                 
  136        Morgan Bodensteiner, 8     18:36    North Polk           
  137        Lauren Niehm, 7            18:36    ames                 
  138    57  April Knight, 8            18:37    Saydel High School   
  139        Maggie Reeder, 8           18:37    Ankeny               
  140        Mackenzie Mulhern, 8       18:45    Ankeny               
  141        Kaci Nuehring, 8           19:01    Waukee               
  142        Megan Kress, 8             19:09    Johnston 8th         
  143    58  Rebecca Petithory, 8       19:10    Southeast Polk       
  144        Rachel Junck, 7            19:12    ames                 
  145    59  Olivia Erdelt, 7           19:13    Saydel High School   
  146        Jocelyn Tejada, 8          19:38    Dowling Catholic     
  147        Eileen Lagerblade, 8       19:40    Johnston 8th         
  148        Jordan Kovac, 8            19:41    Ankeny               
  149        Elizabeth Jackson, 7       20:08    ames                 
  150    60  Allison Furman, 8          20:10    Saydel High School   
  151    61  Shelby Weber, 7            20:11    Saydel High School   
  152        Sofia Lence, 7             20:26    ames                 
  153        Abby Manfull, 8            21:17    Ankeny               
  154        Sammy Nichols, 8           21:39    Ankeny               
  155        Lindsey Settle, 8          21:46    Ankeny               
  156        Allyna Reynolds, 7         21:47    Indianola            
  157        Serena Qamhieh, 8          21:59    ames                 
  158    62  Tera VonTersch, 8          22:08    Southeast Polk       
  159    63  McKenzie Gruchow, 8        22:11    Southeast Polk       
  160        Kamryn Carmichael, 7       22:42    Johnston 7th         
  161        Veronica Standish, 7       22:48    Johnston 7th         
  162        Isabelle Thomasee, 7       22:49    Johnston 7th         
  163        Audrey Diesslin, 7         23:15    ames                 
  164        Sarah Hawkins, 8           25:10    Southeast Polk       
  165        Lauren VanderWaal, 7       25:19    Johnston 7th         

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