CIML MS Boys 2 mile

Sam Wise Youth Complex, Altoona, IA

Oct. 11, 2011

56 degrees, sunny

Results by Michael Franke

MS Girls here

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  1 Dowling Catholic         33    1    4    5   10   13   25   36    11:58    1:15
  2 Johnston                 82    6    7    8   20   41   58   59    12:27    1:11
  3 Ankeny                   86    3   17   21   22   23   26   37    12:32    1:10
  4 Urbandale               139   18   19   30   34   38   39   43    12:53    0:21
  5 Ames                    159    2   29   33   35   60   65   66    12:51    2:21
  6 Waukee                  162    9   16   32   48   57   61   70    13:02    1:35
  7 Roosevelt               171   11   15   40   50   55   62   64    13:09    1:16
  8 Valley                  178   12   28   42   47   49   53   54    13:09    0:59
  9 Indianola               247   14   45   46   68   74   75   84    13:45    2:18
 10 Southeast Polk          250   24   31   52   67   76   79   82    13:46    2:11
 11 Fort Dodge              293   44   51   56   69   73   77   83    14:01    1:32
 12 Marshalltown            311   27   63   71   72   78   80   81    14:19    2:15
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Catholic
    1  Ryan Schweizer, 8          11:22  
    4  Skyler Riesberg, 8         11:45  
    5  Sean Conner, 8             11:48  
   10  Matt Frazier, 7            12:19  
   13  Alex Smith, 8              12:36  
   25  Jack Fink, 7               12:51  
   36  Sean McKenzie, 8           12:59  
Total Time = 59:48     Total Places = 33

2. Johnston
    6  Drew Hershey, 8            12:03  
    7  Zachary Smith, 8           12:03  
    8  Alex MacGregor, 7          12:11  
   20  Tyler Franke, 8            12:44  
   41  Brett Kerr, 8              13:13  
   58  Marcus Coleman, 8          13:49  
   59  Jack Dreyer, 7             13:50  
Total Time = 1:02:13     Total Places = 82

3. Ankeny
    3  Riley McCoy, 8             11:39  
   17  Dakota Lucht, 8            12:42  
   21  Aj Highsmith, 8            12:45  
   22  Grant Acoymo, 8            12:45  
   23  Conor Riordan, 8           12:49  
   26  Tyler Hadden, 8            12:52  
   37  Tanner Rinker, 8           13:01  
Total Time = 1:02:38     Total Places = 86

4. Urbandale
   18  Cade Friedrichsen, 7       12:43  
   19  Griffin Clabaugh, 8        12:44  
   30  Trevor Miller, 7           12:55  
   34  Michael Westphal, 8        12:58  
   38  Dieudonne Samuel, 8        13:04  
   39  Michael VanRiessen, 7      13:07  
   43  Jonah Penningroth, 8       13:21  
Total Time = 1:04:22     Total Places = 139

5. Ames
    2  Lee Grim, 8                11:32  
   29  Joey Stohlmeyer, 8         12:55  
   33  Shafim Kahoda, 8           12:58  
   35  Malkan Santiago, 8         12:59  
   60  Kyle Kinneer, 8            13:53  
   65  Ariel Rizshsky, 8          14:04  
   66  Marcus Reecy, 7            14:05  
Total Time = 1:04:14     Total Places = 159

6. Waukee
    9  Calvin Dixon, 8            12:14  
   16  Jacob Heen, 8              12:39  
   32  Nikita Kozak, 8            12:56  
   48  Lincoln Phillips, 8        13:33  
   57  Ben Foxen, 8               13:48  
   61  Zaven Boswell, 8           13:54  
   70  Calvin Pieper, 8           14:34  
Total Time = 1:05:08     Total Places = 162

7. Roosevelt
   11  Ethan Shafer, 7            12:32  
   15  Abdisalan Omar, 7          12:38  
   40  Abraham Omar, 8            13:13  
   50  Sebastian Anderson, 8      13:34  
   55  Matthew Voss, 7            13:47  
   62  Willis Gaer, 7             13:57  
   64  Freddy Smith, 8            14:01  
Total Time = 1:05:43     Total Places = 171

8. Valley
   12  Alec Jacobsen, 8           12:35  
   28  Greg Rinn, 8               12:55  
   42  Nathan Schmitt, 8          13:14  
   47  Carl Skoog, 8              13:28  
   49  Connor Bawek, 8            13:34  
   53  Matt Nicholson, 8          13:46  
   54  Andrew Couch, 8            13:46  
Total Time = 1:05:45     Total Places = 178

9. Indianola
   14  Connor Timmerman, 8        12:37  
   45  Cole Bickham, 8            13:24  
   46  Seth Nostrala, 7           13:26  
   68  Nate Thompson, 8           14:23  
   74  Kosta Hidiri, 7            14:54  
   75  Marcus Jobes, 7            14:57  
   84  Carter Kennedy, 8          16:25  
Total Time = 1:08:42     Total Places = 247

10. Southeast Polk
   24  Dalten Lehman, 8           12:50  
   31  Daniel Sunvold, 8          12:56  
   52  Cameron McCoy, 8           13:43  
   67  Nathan Gjersvik, 8         14:23  
   76  Braden Tetmeyer, 8         15:01  
   79  Lucas Pellegrino, 8        15:10  
   82  Caleb Sturtz, 8            15:17  
Total Time = 1:08:49     Total Places = 250

11. Fort Dodge
   44  Ryan Wagner, 7             13:22  
   51  Peter Zmudka, 8            13:35  
   56  Cole Detmering, 8          13:48  
   69  Jacob Power, 8             14:24  
   73  Daniel Lane, 8             14:54  
   77  Brandon Lee, 8             15:03  
   83  Jacob Shreier, 8           15:23  
Total Time = 1:10:01     Total Places = 293

12. Marshalltown
   27  John Boland, 7             12:53  
   63  Jose Palmerez, 8           13:58  
   71  Brett Bethske, 7           14:47  
   72  Nick Summers, 7            14:48  
   78  Andres Saucedo, 7          15:08  
   80  Jacob Ramsey-Smith, 8      15:14  
   81  Tony Smith, 8              15:16  
Total Time = 1:11:33     Total Places = 311
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Ryan Schweizer, 8          11:22    Dowling Catholic     
    2     2  Lee Grim, 8                11:32    Ames                 
    3     3  Riley McCoy, 8             11:39    Ankeny               
    4     4  Skyler Riesberg, 8         11:45    Dowling Catholic     
    5     5  Sean Conner, 8             11:48    Dowling Catholic     
    6     6  Drew Hershey, 8            12:03    Johnston             
    7     7  Zachary Smith, 8           12:03    Johnston             
    8     8  Alex MacGregor, 7          12:11    Johnston             
    9     9  Calvin Dixon, 8            12:14    Waukee               
   10    10  Matt Frazier, 7            12:19    Dowling Catholic     
   11    11  Ethan Shafer, 7            12:32    Roosevelt            
   12    12  Alec Jacobsen, 8           12:35    Valley               
   13    13  Alex Smith, 8              12:36    Dowling Catholic     
   14    14  Connor Timmerman, 8        12:37    Indianola            
   15    15  Abdisalan Omar, 7          12:38    Roosevelt            
   16    16  Jacob Heen, 8              12:39    Waukee               
   17    17  Dakota Lucht, 8            12:42    Ankeny               
   18    18  Cade Friedrichsen, 7       12:43    Urbandale            
   19    19  Griffin Clabaugh, 8        12:44    Urbandale            
   20    20  Tyler Franke, 8            12:44    Johnston             
   21    21  Aj Highsmith, 8            12:45    Ankeny               
   22    22  Grant Acoymo, 8            12:45    Ankeny               
   23    23  Conor Riordan, 8           12:49    Ankeny               
   24    24  Dalten Lehman, 8           12:50    Southeast Polk       
   25    25  Jack Fink, 7               12:51    Dowling Catholic     
   26    26  Tyler Hadden, 8            12:52    Ankeny               
   27    27  John Boland, 7             12:53    Marshalltown         
   28    28  Greg Rinn, 8               12:55    Valley               
   29    29  Joey Stohlmeyer, 8         12:55    Ames                 
   30    30  Trevor Miller, 7           12:55    Urbandale            
   31    31  Daniel Sunvold, 8          12:56    Southeast Polk       
   32    32  Nikita Kozak, 8            12:56    Waukee               
   33    33  Shafim Kahoda, 8           12:58    Ames                 
   34    34  Michael Westphal, 8        12:58    Urbandale            
   35    35  Malkan Santiago, 8         12:59    Ames                 
   36    36  Sean McKenzie, 8           12:59    Dowling Catholic     
   37    37  Tanner Rinker, 8           13:01    Ankeny               
   38        Sam Parker, 8              13:01    Ankeny               
   39    38  Dieudonne Samuel, 8        13:04    Urbandale            
   40    39  Michael VanRiessen, 7      13:07    Urbandale            
   41    40  Abraham Omar, 8            13:13    Roosevelt            
   42    41  Brett Kerr, 8              13:13    Johnston             
   43    42  Nathan Schmitt, 8          13:14    Valley               
   44        Collin Shannon, 8          13:15    Ankeny               
   45        Jonah Plummer, 8           13:19    Ankeny               
   46    43  Jonah Penningroth, 8       13:21    Urbandale            
   47        Jack Voigt, 8              13:22    Ankeny               
   48    44  Ryan Wagner, 7             13:22    Fort Dodge           
   49    45  Cole Bickham, 8            13:24    Indianola            
   50    46  Seth Nostrala, 7           13:26    Indianola            
   51    47  Carl Skoog, 8              13:28    Valley               
   52        Matthew Matterhas, 8       13:32    Dowling Catholic     
   53    48  Lincoln Phillips, 8        13:33    Waukee               
   54    49  Connor Bawek, 8            13:34    Valley               
   55    50  Sebastian Anderson, 8      13:34    Roosevelt            
   56    51  Peter Zmudka, 8            13:35    Fort Dodge           
   57    52  Cameron McCoy, 8           13:43    Southeast Polk       
   58    53  Matt Nicholson, 8          13:46    Valley               
   59    54  Andrew Couch, 8            13:46    Valley               
   60        Scott Conner, 7            13:47    Dowling Catholic     
   61        Tyler Miller, 8            13:47    Urbandale            
   62    55  Matthew Voss, 7            13:47    Roosevelt            
   63    56  Cole Detmering, 8          13:48    Fort Dodge           
   64    57  Ben Foxen, 8               13:48    Waukee               
   65    58  Marcus Coleman, 8          13:49    Johnston             
   66    59  Jack Dreyer, 7             13:50    Johnston             
   67        Luke Engblom, 8            13:50    Johnston             
   68        Zach Wheeler, 8            13:52    Dowling Catholic     
   69    60  Kyle Kinneer, 8            13:53    Ames                 
   70        Colton Marshall, 8         13:53    Johnston             
   71        Tanner Stumm, 8            13:53    Ankeny               
   72    61  Zaven Boswell, 8           13:54    Waukee               
   73    62  Willis Gaer, 7             13:57    Roosevelt            
   74        Jacob Maruth, 8            13:57    Ankeny               
   75        Nick Yeast, 7              13:58    Johnston             
   76    63  Jose Palmerez, 8           13:58    Marshalltown         
   77    64  Freddy Smith, 8            14:01    Roosevelt            
   78        Gabe Altier, 8             14:02    Johnston             
   79        Riley Close, 8             14:03    Ankeny               
   80    65  Ariel Rizshsky, 8          14:04    Ames                 
   81    66  Marcus Reecy, 7            14:05    Ames                 
   82        Colton Miller, 8           14:05    Ankeny               
   83        Nick Voss, 8               14:07    Johnston             
   84        Riley Stuart, 8            14:09    Urbandale            
   85        Hudson Haws, 8             14:12    Ankeny               
   86        Max Califf, 8              14:15    Valley               
   87        Tad Schweizer, 8           14:17    Urbandale            
   88        Tyler Havens, 8            14:18    Ankeny               
   89        Ross Thompson, 8           14:20    Roosevelt            
   90        Nicholas Scharingson, 7    14:20    Urbandale            
   91        Ben Helling, 8             14:21    Dowling Catholic     
   92        Joseph Derry, 8            14:21    Johnston             
   93        Zach Lin, 8                14:22    Roosevelt            
   94    67  Nathan Gjersvik, 8         14:23    Southeast Polk       
   95    68  Nate Thompson, 8           14:23    Indianola            
   96        Tariq Paslic, 8            14:23    Johnston             
   97        Jake Page, 8               14:24    Johnston             
   98    69  Jacob Power, 8             14:24    Fort Dodge           
   99        Matthew Moreland, 8        14:25    Roosevelt            
  100        Nevin Benson, 8            14:25    Ankeny               
  101        Ben Tack, 8                14:26    Johnston             
  102        Ned Turner, 8              14:26    Roosevelt            
  103        Nathan Clingman, 8         14:27    Valley               
  104        David Wheeler, 7           14:28    Roosevelt            
  105        Chris Cassidy, 7           14:32    Johnston             
  106        Alex Weakland, 8           14:34    Roosevelt            
  107    70  Calvin Pieper, 8           14:34    Waukee               
  108        Clay Sullivan, 8           14:37    Ames                 
  109        Nile Kroner, 8             14:39    Johnston             
  110        Jj Hunzelman, 8            14:40    Ankeny               
  111        Collin Christy, 8          14:46    Dowling Catholic     
  112    71  Brett Bethske, 7           14:47    Marshalltown         
  113    72  Nick Summers, 7            14:48    Marshalltown         
  114        Josh Miksch, 8             14:49    Valley               
  115        Jake Hoyng, 8              14:49    Valley               
  116        Jacob Babcock, 8           14:50    Ankeny               
  117        Kyle Spear, 8              14:50    Ankeny               
  118        Yushi Hattori, 8           14:51    Ames                 
  119        Wil Roling, 8              14:53    Ankeny               
  120    73  Daniel Lane, 8             14:54    Fort Dodge           
  121    74  Kosta Hidiri, 7            14:54    Indianola            
  122        Seth Tack, 8               14:55    Johnston             
  123        Devin Vanderwerff, 8       14:55    Johnston             
  124    75  Marcus Jobes, 7            14:57    Indianola            
  125        Trevor Tyma, 8             14:57    Valley               
  126        Seamus Geraty, 7           14:59    Roosevelt            
  127        Thomas Jackson, 8          14:59    Johnston             
  128        Ethan Wells, 7             15:00    Johnston             
  129    76  Braden Tetmeyer, 8         15:01    Southeast Polk       
  130        Josh Grimm, 8              15:01    Ankeny               
  131        Charles Nissen-Pickard, 8  15:02    Ankeny               
  132    77  Brandon Lee, 8             15:03    Fort Dodge           
  133        Ian Daugherty, 8           15:04    Roosevelt            
  134        Lucas Phillips, 8          15:05    Urbandale            
  135        Matt Belling, 8            15:06    Valley               
  136        Justin Gard, 7             15:08    Johnston             
  137    78  Andres Saucedo, 7          15:08    Marshalltown         
  138        Morgan Stutzman, 8         15:09    Johnston             
  139        Roman Hart, 8              15:09    Ames                 
  140    79  Lucas Pellegrino, 8        15:10    Southeast Polk       
  141        Nabhan Awan, 8             15:11    Waukee               
  142        Isaiah Wright, 8           15:12    Ankeny               
  143    80  Jacob Ramsey-Smith, 8      15:14    Marshalltown         
  144    81  Tony Smith, 8              15:16    Marshalltown         
  145    82  Caleb Sturtz, 8            15:17    Southeast Polk       
  146        Satchel Perlowski, 7       15:18    Roosevelt            
  147        Eli Dotson, 8              15:18    Roosevelt            
  148        Abbott LaPrade, 8          15:19    Roosevelt            
  149        Frank Boksa, 8             15:19    Johnston             
  150        Connor Folkers, 8          15:21    Waukee               
  151        Mario Jordan, 8            15:22    Valley               
  152        Taylor Boysen, 8           15:23    Johnston             
  153        A J. Franklin, 7           15:23    Johnston             
  154    83  Jacob Shreier, 8           15:23    Fort Dodge           
  155        Even Pyle, 8               15:25    Dowling Catholic     
  156        Bryan Friestad, 8          15:25    Johnston             
  157        Nate Kouri, 8              15:26    Dowling Catholic     
  158        Brian Schumacher, 8        15:26    Ankeny               
  159        Brett Stone, 7             15:27    Ames                 
  160        Joe Murdock, 7             15:27    Dowling Catholic     
  161        Jake Larson, 8             15:27    Waukee               
  162        Reid Schroeder, 7          15:28    Urbandale            
  163        Nick Lucas, 7              15:28    Johnston             
  164        Joe Reck, 8                15:29    Valley               
  165        Luke Mackaman, 8           15:30    Ankeny               
  166        Jacob Gordon, 8            15:30    Valley               
  167        Matt Roberts, 7            15:31    Ames                 
  168        Cody Batterson, 8          15:31    Southeast Polk       
  169        Ben Lanham, 8              15:32    Valley               
  170        Jacob Youngblood, 8        15:32    Marshalltown         
  171        Colton Austin, 8           15:34    Fort Dodge           
  172        Trevor Dolezal, 8          15:35    Marshalltown         
  173        Jack Lanham, 8             15:37    Ankeny               
  174        Brandon Lynch, 8           15:39    Southeast Polk       
  175        Thomas Carroll, 8          15:40    Dowling Catholic     
  176        Richard Marks, 8           15:42    Valley               
  177        Jack Wahlig, 8             15:43    Dowling Catholic     
  178        Devin Frentress, 8         15:48    Southeast Polk       
  179        Ian Jordan, 8              15:51    Waukee               
  180        Kaleb Creighton, 8         15:52    Roosevelt            
  181        Cole Davis, 7              15:53    Fort Dodge           
  182        Logan Heim, 7              15:55    Dowling Catholic     
  183        Thomas Sterling, 8         15:55    Ankeny               
  184        Jake Darling, 7            15:57    Johnston             
  185        Nathan Dickerson, 8        15:57    Valley               
  186        Riley Helmers, 8           15:58    Fort Dodge           
  187        John Topf, 8               16:00    Ames                 
  188        Toby Garcia, 8             16:01    Ames                 
  189        Austin Case, 7             16:02    Marshalltown         
  190        Sam Berry, 8               16:03    Valley               
  191        Mason Roghair, 8           16:04    Valley               
  192        Jordan Wright, 7           16:05    Urbandale            
  193        Ryan Smith, 8              16:06    Ames                 
  194        Suhaib Shaikh, 7           16:06    Marshalltown         
  195        Jack Kester, 8             16:07    Marshalltown         
  196        Cameron Mitchell, 7        16:07    Johnston             
  197        Dan Lothe, 8               16:08    Marshalltown         
  198        Jared Peterson, 7          16:08    Johnston             
  199        Luke Femando, 8            16:09    Ames                 
  200        Peter Hansen, 7            16:09    Dowling Catholic     
  201        Logan Simon, 8             16:10    Valley               
  202        Vyshakh Abraham, 8         16:10    Ankeny               
  203        Isaac Kuennen, 8           16:11    Valley               
  204        Matt Atterson, 8           16:13    Valley               
  205        Lee Taylor, 8              16:14    Ames                 
  206        Josh Wells, 8              16:18    Marshalltown         
  207        Will Madson, 7             16:18    Johnston             
  208        Cory Suedemier, 8          16:19    Ankeny               
  209        Jared Harrington, 8        16:21    Southeast Polk       
  210        Noah Ridgeway, 8           16:21    Valley               
  211        Isaac Tegler, 8            16:22    Johnston             
  212        Johnathan Hauhn, 8         16:23    Valley               
  213        Maxwell Hanish, 7          16:24    Fort Dodge           
  214        Austin Leonard, 8          16:25    Marshalltown         
  215    84  Carter Kennedy, 8          16:25    Indianola            
  216        Jack Smith, 7              16:26    Urbandale            
  217        Nick Gingery, 8            16:27    Ankeny               
  218        Andy Meyer, 8              16:29    Dowling Catholic     
  219        Michael Libin, 8           16:30    Valley               
  220        Peter Easler, 8            16:31    Valley               
  221        Jackson Westhoff, 8        16:32    Ankeny               
  222        Dalton Huerter, 8          16:36    Urbandale            
  223        Drew Decker, 7             16:37    Johnston             
  224        Jackson Solsma, 8          16:38    Ankeny               
  225        Cade Miller, 7             16:39    Johnston             
  226        Ben Atzen, 8               16:40    Southeast Polk       
  227        Christian Anderson, 7      16:41    Roosevelt            
  228        Chris Jamieson, 8          16:43    Valley               
  229        Zach Bergman, 8            16:44    Urbandale            
  230        Brett Neutrom, 8           16:45    Valley               
  231        Seth Bickham, 7            16:45    Indianola            
  232        Drake Hintz, 8             16:46    Valley               
  233        Dayton Wright, 7           16:48    Urbandale            
  234        Chris Brandt, 8            16:53    Indianola            
  235        Hunter Norris, 7           16:53    Johnston             
  236        Thomas Nowysz, 8           16:55    Valley               
  237        Drew Dodd, 8               16:56    Johnston             
  238        Drew Illingworth, 7        16:56    Indianola            
  239        Ian Crowl, 8               16:56    Fort Dodge           
  240        Connor McCarville, 8       16:58    Valley               
  241        Tyler Bucher, 7            17:06    Johnston             
  242        Jesse McLearn-Montz, 8     17:08    Ankeny               
  243        Nathaniel Jones, 7         17:08    Roosevelt            
  244        Spencer Cadogan, 8         17:10    Ames                 
  245        Quinn Nolin, 8             17:11    Valley               
  246        Mason Goffinet, 8          17:12    Ankeny               
  247        Jacob Blobaum, 8           17:14    Roosevelt            
  248        Evan Nelson, 8             17:17    Ankeny               
  249        Zach Millsap, 8            17:18    Ankeny               
  250        Koy Drabek, 8              17:19    Southeast Polk       
  251        Corbyn Shumaker, 8         17:19    Ankeny               
  252        Will Gunderson, 8          17:24    Roosevelt            
  253        Sam Dowling, 8             17:25    Southeast Polk       
  254        Caleb Kistenmacher, 7      17:27    Urbandale            
  255        Cesar Revales, 8           17:29    Valley               
  256        Patrich Schmidt, 8         17:30    Ames                 
  257        Matt Umland, 7             17:31    Urbandale            
  258        Michael Daniels, 8         17:33    Fort Dodge           
  259        Derek Hammer, 8            17:35    Southeast Polk       
  260        Ethan Holtman, 7           17:39    Ames                 
  261        Nathan Peterson, 8         17:40    Southeast Polk       
  262        Christian Kolder, 7        17:41    Roosevelt            
  263        Josh Holst, 8              17:42    Ankeny               
  264        Sean Hilzendeger, 8        17:45    Valley               
  265        Sean Eilers, 8             17:55    Valley               
  266        Jay Trivedi, 8             17:57    Valley               
  267        Graham Hagan, 8            17:57    Valley               
  268        Ben Sanders, 8             17:58    Valley               
  269        Mitchel Dooley, 8          18:06    Ankeny               
  270        Jordan Jacobs, 8           18:09    Marshalltown         
  271        Jordan Eichacker, 7        18:14    Johnston             
  272        Cameron Mason, 8           18:20    Ankeny               
  273        Jayver Nelson, 7           18:23    Marshalltown         
  274        Sam Balukoff, 8            18:25    Ankeny               
  275        Phil Salaba, 8             18:25    Valley               
  276        Henry Gunderson, 8         18:27    Roosevelt            
  277        William Buttermore, 8      18:44    Ames                 
  278        Nate Kinger, 8             18:45    Indianola            
  279        Bradley Baker, 7           18:48    Fort Dodge           
  280        Cayden Taylor, 8           18:50    Fort Dodge           
  281        Jacob Vasiloff, 7          18:53    Johnston             
  282        Kenny Gisler, 8            18:56    Valley               
  283        Carson Mithelman, 7        18:58    Johnston             
  284        Grant Manfull, 8           18:59    Ankeny               
  285        Chris Hartley, 7           19:03    Johnston             
  286        Brendan Vasiloff, 7        19:18    Johnston             
  287        Curt Craven, 8             19:48    Valley               
  288        Drake Wick, 8              20:02    Valley               
  289        Sammy Throm, 8             20:02    Valley               
  290        Nash Vanbibber, 7          20:28    Roosevelt            
  291        John Hollinrake, 8         20:43    Ankeny               
  292        Noah Dietrich, 8           20:53    Ames                 
  293        Drew Simmons, 7            20:59    Urbandale            
  294        Jason Baldus, 8            21:05    Valley               
  295        Wyatt Stonewall, 8         22:04    Marshalltown         
  296        Cory Koster, 8             22:59    Ankeny               
  297        Blake Helton, 7            26:52    Marshalltown         

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