12th Ames MS Invitational MS Boys

ISU Course - Ames, Iowa

Sep. 15, 2011

60 degrees and cloudy

Results by Cal Murdock

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  1 Dowling Catholic         28    2    3    6    7   10   11   36    11:52    0:55

  2 Johnston                 64    4    8   12   14   26   35   41    12:23    1:14

  3 Ankeny Northview-S       85    5   15   16   19   30   33   34    12:37    1:13

  4 Urbandale               130   18   24   25   31   32   43   50    12:58    0:25

  5 Ames                    132    1   20   21   42   48   49   54    12:48    2:16

  6 Valley                  158   13   23   27   44   51   55   57    13:09    1:06

  7 Ankeny Prairie Ridge    160   17   29   37   38   39   46   47    13:06    0:34

  8 Waukee                  193    9   22   45   58   59   61   66    13:26    2:08

  9 Marshalltown            287   28   63   64   65   67   69   72    14:26    1:58

 10 Fort Dodge              291   52   53   56   62   68   70   71    14:15    1:17

 11 Nevada                  322   40   60   73   74   75   76   77    15:23    3:54

Incomplete Teams: Roland Story


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Catholic

    2  Ryan Schweizer, 8          11:26  

    3  Skyler Riesberg, 8         11:41  

    6  Sean Connor, 8             11:54  

    7  Matt Frazier, 7            11:56  

   10  Jack Fink, 7               12:21  

   11  Alex Smith, 8              12:29  

   36  Sean McKenzie, 8           13:12  

Total Time = 59:16     Total Places = 28

2. Johnston

    4  Drew Hershey, 8            11:45  

    8  Zachary Smith, 8           11:57  

   12  Tyler Franke, 8            12:35  

   14  Alex MacGregor, 7          12:40  

   26  Brett Kerr, 8              12:59  

   35  Marcus Coleman, 8          13:10  

   41  Devin Vanderwerff, 8       13:19  

Total Time = 1:01:54     Total Places = 64

3. Ankeny Northview-S

    5  Riley McCoy, 8             11:52  

   15  Conor Riordan, 8           12:41  

   16  Grant Acoymo, 8            12:41  

   19  Tyler Hadden, 8            12:48  

   30  Tanner Rinker, 8           13:04  

   33  Collin Shannon, 8          13:08  

   34  Jonah Plummer, 8           13:08  

Total Time = 1:03:05     Total Places = 85

4. Urbandale

   18  Jonah Penningroth, 8       12:43  

   24  Dieudonne Samuel, 8        12:58  

   25  Griffin Clabaugh, 8        12:59  

   31  Cade Friedrichsen, 7       13:05  

   32  Michael VanRiessen, 7      13:07  

   43  Tyler Miller, 8            13:26  

   50  Trevor Miller, 7           13:43  

Total Time = 1:04:50     Total Places = 130

5. Ames

    1  Lee Grim, 8                11:21  

   20  Malkan Santiago, 8         12:50  

   21  Shafim Kahoda, 8           12:54  

   42  Ariel Rizshsky, 8          13:19  

   48  Kyle Kinneer, 8            13:36  

   49  Clay Sullivan, 8           13:40  

   54  Joey Stohlmeyer, 8         13:48  

Total Time = 1:03:59     Total Places = 132

6. Valley

   13  Robert Knudsen, 8          12:38  

   23  Nathan Schmitt, 8          12:55  

   27  Carl Skoog, 8              13:01  

   44  Andrew Couch, 8            13:27  

   51  Matt Nicholson, 8          13:44  

   55  Greg Rinn, 8               13:50  

   57  Jake Hoyng, 8              14:07  

Total Time = 1:05:42     Total Places = 158

7. Ankeny Prairie Ridge

   17  Dakota Lucht, 8            12:42  

   29  Tanner Stumm, 8            13:04  

   37  Tyler Havens, 8            13:14  

   38  Colton Miller, 8           13:14  

   39  Nevin Benson, 8            13:15  

   46  Jacob Maruth, 8            13:32  

   47  Jj Hunzelman, 8            13:33  

Total Time = 1:05:27     Total Places = 160

8. Waukee

    9  Calvin Dixon, 8            12:12  

   22  Lincoln Phillips, 8        12:54  

   45  Nitkia Kozak, 8            13:29  

   58  Zaven Boswell, 8           14:15  

   59  Ben Foxen, 8               14:20  

   61  Calvin Pieper, 8           14:31  

   66  Nabhan Awan, 8             14:44  

Total Time = 1:07:09     Total Places = 193

9. Marshalltown

   28  John Boland, 7             13:02  

   63  Nick Summers, 7            14:42  

   64  Brett Bethske, 7           14:43  

   65  Jacob Youngblood, 8        14:44  

   67  Jose Palmerez, 8           15:00  

   69  Jacob Ramsey-Smith, 8      15:23  

   72  Andres Saucedo, 7          15:43  

Total Time = 1:12:09     Total Places = 287

10. Fort Dodge

   52  Cole Detmering, 8          13:46  

   53  Peter Zmudka, 8            13:47  

   56  Ryan Wagner, 8             14:02  

   62  Jacob Power, 8             14:39  

   68  Colton Austin, 8           15:03  

   70  Jacob Shreier, 8           15:26  

   71  Brandon Lee, 8             15:33  

Total Time = 1:11:15     Total Places = 291

11. Nevada

   40  Connor MacVey, 7           13:16  

   60  Andrew Barker, 7           14:21  

   73  Braydon Otto, 7            16:04  

   74  Leighton Memmer, 8         16:04  

   75  Andrew Clough, 8           17:10  

   76  Harvey Bainter, 7          19:25  

   77  Hunter Schumaker, 8        19:47  

Total Time = 1:16:53     Total Places = 322


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Lee Grim, 8                11:21    Ames                 

    2     2  Ryan Schweizer, 8          11:26    Dowling Catholic     

    3     3  Skyler Riesberg, 8         11:41    Dowling Catholic     

    4     4  Drew Hershey, 8            11:45    Johnston             

    5     5  Riley McCoy, 8             11:52    Ankeny Northview-S   

    6     6  Sean Connor, 8             11:54    Dowling Catholic     

    7     7  Matt Frazier, 7            11:56    Dowling Catholic     

    8     8  Zachary Smith, 8           11:57    Johnston             

    9     9  Calvin Dixon, 8            12:12    Waukee               

   10    10  Jack Fink, 7               12:21    Dowling Catholic     

   11    11  Alex Smith, 8              12:29    Dowling Catholic     

   12    12  Tyler Franke, 8            12:35    Johnston             

   13    13  Robert Knudsen, 8          12:38    Valley               

   14    14  Alex MacGregor, 7          12:40    Johnston             

   15    15  Conor Riordan, 8           12:41    Ankeny Northview-S   

   16    16  Grant Acoymo, 8            12:41    Ankeny Northview-S   

   17    17  Dakota Lucht, 8            12:42    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   18    18  Jonah Penningroth, 8       12:43    Urbandale            

   19    19  Tyler Hadden, 8            12:48    Ankeny Northview-S   

   20    20  Malkan Santiago, 8         12:50    Ames                 

   21    21  Shafim Kahoda, 8           12:54    Ames                 

   22    22  Lincoln Phillips, 8        12:54    Waukee               

   23    23  Nathan Schmitt, 8          12:55    Valley               

   24    24  Dieudonne Samuel, 8        12:58    Urbandale            

   25    25  Griffin Clabaugh, 8        12:59    Urbandale            

   26    26  Brett Kerr, 8              12:59    Johnston             

   27    27  Carl Skoog, 8              13:01    Valley               

   28    28  John Boland, 7             13:02    Marshalltown         

   29    29  Tanner Stumm, 8            13:04    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   30    30  Tanner Rinker, 8           13:04    Ankeny Northview-S   

   31    31  Cade Friedrichsen, 7       13:05    Urbandale            

   32    32  Michael VanRiessen, 7      13:07    Urbandale            

   33    33  Collin Shannon, 8          13:08    Ankeny Northview-S   

   34    34  Jonah Plummer, 8           13:08    Ankeny Northview-S   

   35        Aj Highsmith, 8            13:09    Ankeny Northview-S   

   36    35  Marcus Coleman, 8          13:10    Johnston             

   37        Jack Voigt, 8              13:12    Ankeny Northview-S   

   38    36  Sean McKenzie, 8           13:12    Dowling Catholic     

   39    37  Tyler Havens, 8            13:14    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   40    38  Colton Miller, 8           13:14    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   41    39  Nevin Benson, 8            13:15    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   42    40  Connor MacVey, 7           13:16    Nevada               

   43    41  Devin Vanderwerff, 8       13:19    Johnston             

   44    42  Ariel Rizshsky, 8          13:19    Ames                 

   45        Joseph Derry, 8            13:19    Johnston             

   46    43  Tyler Miller, 8            13:26    Urbandale            

   47    44  Andrew Couch, 8            13:27    Valley               

   48    45  Nitkia Kozak, 8            13:29    Waukee               

   49    46  Jacob Maruth, 8            13:32    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   50    47  Jj Hunzelman, 8            13:33    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   51        Zach Wheeler, 8            13:34    Dowling Catholic     

   52        Scott Connor, 7            13:35    Dowling Catholic     

   53    48  Kyle Kinneer, 8            13:36    Ames                 

   54    49  Clay Sullivan, 8           13:40    Ames                 

   55        Dakota Rusher, 7           13:43    Roland Story         

   56    50  Trevor Miller, 7           13:43    Urbandale            

   57    51  Matt Nicholson, 8          13:44    Valley               

   58        Sam Parker, 8              13:45    Ankeny Northview-S   

   59        Matthew Matterhas, 8       13:45    Dowling Catholic     

   60    52  Cole Detmering, 8          13:46    Fort Dodge           

   61        Jake Page, 8               13:47    Johnston             

   62    53  Peter Zmudka, 8            13:47    Fort Dodge           

   63    54  Joey Stohlmeyer, 8         13:48    Ames                 

   64        Michael Westphal, 8        13:49    Urbandale            

   65    55  Greg Rinn, 8               13:50    Valley               

   66        Tad Schweizer, 8           13:53    Urbandale            

   67        Riley Stuart, 8            13:53    Urbandale            

   68        Luke Engblom, 8            13:54    Johnston             

   69        Colton Marshall, 8         13:56    Johnston             

   70        Riley Chartier, 7          13:57    Johnston             

   71        Riley Close, 8             13:59    Ankeny Northview-S   

   72        Nick Yeast, 7              14:00    Johnston             

   73        Roman Hart, 8              14:01    Ames                 

   74        Ben Tack, 8                14:01    Johnston             

   75    56  Ryan Wagner, 8             14:02    Fort Dodge           

   76        Collin Christy, 8          14:05    Dowling Catholic     

   77    57  Jake Hoyng, 8              14:07    Valley               

   78        Gabe Altier, 8             14:08    Johnston             

   79        Marcus Reecy, 7            14:13    Ames                 

   80        Josh Miksch, 8             14:14    Valley               

   81    58  Zaven Boswell, 8           14:15    Waukee               

   82        Nicholas Scharingson, 7    14:16    Urbandale            

   83        Connor Bawek, 8            14:16    Valley               

   84        Jack Dreyer, 7             14:17    Johnston             

   85        Justin Gard, 7             14:17    Johnston             

   86        Nile Kroner, 8             14:18    Johnston             

   87        Jackson Sullivan, 8        14:19    Ames                 

   88        Thomas Jackson, 8          14:20    Johnston             

   89    59  Ben Foxen, 8               14:20    Waukee               

   90    60  Andrew Barker, 7           14:21    Nevada               

   91        Brian Schumacher, 8        14:23    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   92        Lucas Phillips, 8          14:24    Urbandale            

   93        Frank Boksa, 8             14:27    Johnston             

   94        Hudson Haws, 8             14:28    Ankeny Northview-S   

   95        Luke Mackaman, 8           14:28    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   96        Vyshakh Abraham, 8         14:29    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

   97        Brett Stone, 7             14:30    Ames                 

   98        Kyle Spear, 8              14:31    Ankeny Northview-S   

   99    61  Calvin Pieper, 8           14:31    Waukee               

  100        Marin Vidovic, 8           14:32    Urbandale            

  101        Taylor Boysen, 8           14:32    Johnston             

  102        Ben Helling, 8             14:33    Dowling Catholic     

  103        Josh Grimm, 8              14:35    Ankeny Northview-S   

  104        Nathan Clingman, 8         14:37    Valley               

  105        Joe Murdock, 7             14:38    Dowling Catholic     

  106    62  Jacob Power, 8             14:39    Fort Dodge           

  107        Jacob Babcock, 8           14:41    Ankeny Northview-S   

  108    63  Nick Summers, 7            14:42    Marshalltown         

  109        Seth Tack, 8               14:42    Johnston             

  110    64  Brett Bethske, 7           14:43    Marshalltown         

  111        Brian Todey, 7             14:43    Ames                 

  112    65  Jacob Youngblood, 8        14:44    Marshalltown         

  113    66  Nabhan Awan, 8             14:44    Waukee               

  114        Nick Lucas, 7              14:48    Johnston             

  115        Max Califf, 8              14:48    Valley               

  116        Jackson Westhoff, 8        14:49    Ankeny Northview-S   

  117        Bryan Friestad, 8          14:50    Johnston             

  118        Jack Lanham, 8             14:50    Ankeny Northview-S   

  119        Wil Roling, 8              14:52    Ankeny Northview-S   

  120        Matt Roberts, 7            14:54    Ames                 

  121        Ian Jordan, 8              14:55    Waukee               

  122        Chris Cassidy, 7           14:55    Johnston             

  123        Even Pyle, 8               14:57    Dowling Catholic     

  124        Nate Kouri, 8              14:58    Dowling Catholic     

  125        Nick Perez, 8              14:59    Ankeny Northview-S   

  126        Garrison McFarlan, 7       15:00    Urbandale            

  127    67  Jose Palmerez, 8           15:00    Marshalltown         

  128        Thomas Carroll, 8          15:00    Dowling Catholic     

  129        Peter Hansen, 7            15:02    Dowling Catholic     

  130    68  Colton Austin, 8           15:03    Fort Dodge           

  131        A J. Franklin, 7           15:04    Johnston             

  132        Charles Nissen-Pickard, 8  15:05    Ankeny Northview-S   

  133        Matt Belling, 8            15:05    Valley               

  134        Mason Roghair, 8           15:06    Valley               

  135        Dalton Huerter, 8          15:09    Urbandale            

  136        Logan Heim, 7              15:10    Dowling Catholic     

  137        Jake Larson, 8             15:10    Waukee               

  138        Isaiah Wright, 8           15:12    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  139        Cameron Mitchell, 7        15:16    Johnston             

  140        Nic Turner, 7              15:22    Roland Story         

  141    69  Jacob Ramsey-Smith, 8      15:23    Marshalltown         

  142    70  Jacob Shreier, 8           15:26    Fort Dodge           

  143        Mario Jordan, 8            15:32    Valley               

  144    71  Brandon Lee, 8             15:33    Fort Dodge           

  145        Austin Bruett, 8           15:34    Urbandale            

  146        Yushi Hattori, 8           15:35    Ames                 

  147        Toby Garcia, 8             15:36    Ames                 

  148        Chris Jamieson, 8          15:36    Valley               

  149        Thomas Sterling, 8         15:38    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  150        Connor Folkers, 8          15:38    Waukee               

  151        Matt Atterson, 8           15:39    Valley               

  152        Jackson Solsma, 8          15:40    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  153        Luke Femando, 8            15:42    Ames                 

  154        Morgan Stutzman, 8         15:42    Johnston             

  155    72  Andres Saucedo, 7          15:43    Marshalltown         

  156        Ben Lanham, 8              15:46    Valley               

  157        Connor McCarville, 8       15:47    Valley               

  158        Tony Smith, 8              15:50    Marshalltown         

  159        Ethan Wells, 7             15:54    Johnston             

  160        Trevor Dolezal, 8          15:56    Marshalltown         

  161        Reid Schroeder, 7          15:57    Urbandale            

  162        Maxwell Hanish, 7          15:57    Fort Dodge           

  163        Nick Voss, 8               15:58    Johnston             

  164        Jacob Gordon, 8            15:58    Valley               

  165        Richard Marks, 8           16:00    Valley               

  166        Austin Case, 7             16:00    Marshalltown         

  167        Trevor Tyma, 8             16:02    Valley               

  168        Cory Suedemier, 8          16:03    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  169        Jordan Wright, 7           16:03    Urbandale            

  170        Johnathan Hauhn, 8         16:03    Valley               

  171    73  Braydon Otto, 7            16:04    Nevada               

  172    74  Leighton Memmer, 8         16:04    Nevada               

  173        Drew Dodd, 8               16:06    Johnston             

  174        Jared Peterson, 7          16:07    Johnston             

  175        Dayton Wright, 7           16:11    Urbandale            

  176        Grant Waline, 8            16:15    Roland Story         

  177        Suhaib Shaikh, 7           16:15    Marshalltown         

  178        Daniel Lane, 8             16:16    Fort Dodge           

  179        Jack Smith, 7              16:17    Urbandale            

  180        Mitchel Dooley, 8          16:18    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  181        Cole Davis, 7              16:19    Fort Dodge           

  182        Cade Miller, 7             16:20    Johnston             

  183        Joe Reck, 8                16:23    Valley               

  184        Andy Meyer, 8              16:24    Dowling Catholic     

  185        John Topf, 8               16:25    Ames                 

  186        Zach Bergman, 8            16:29    Urbandale            

  187        Thomas Nowysz, 8           16:29    Valley               

  188        Zach Millsap, 8            16:31    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  189        Riley Helmers, 8           16:32    Fort Dodge           

  190        Gus Mote, 7                16:33    Dowling Catholic     

  191        Jacob Means, 8             16:36    Dowling Catholic     

  192        Isaac Tegler, 8            16:37    Johnston             

  193        Hector Hernandez, 8        16:41    Marshalltown         

  194        Sam Berry, 8               16:45    Valley               

  195        Quinn Nolin, 8             16:47    Valley               

  196        Noah Ridgeway, 8           16:47    Valley               

  197        Tyler Bucher, 7            16:48    Johnston             

  198        Jesse McLearn-Montz, 8     16:50    Ankeny Northview-S   

  199        Graham Hagan, 8            16:53    Valley               

  200        Jake Darling, 7            16:54    Johnston             

  201        Evan Nelson, 8             16:56    Ankeny Northview-S   

  202        Corbyn Shumaker, 8         16:56    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  203        Austin Leonard, 8          16:57    Marshalltown         

  204        Alex Retallick, 7          16:57    Roland Story         

  205        Hunter Norris, 7           16:58    Johnston             

  206        Will Madson, 7             16:59    Johnston             

  207        Brett Neutrom, 8           17:00    Valley               

  208        Peter Easler, 8            17:04    Valley               

  209        Nick Gingery, 8            17:05    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  210        Jacob Vasiloff, 7          17:07    Johnston             

  211        Sam Balukoff, 8            17:09    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  212    75  Andrew Clough, 8           17:10    Nevada               

  213        Josh Wells, 8              17:12    Marshalltown         

  214        Spencer Cadogan, 8         17:13    Ames                 

  215        Ryan Smith, 8              17:13    Ames                 

  216        Drew Decker, 7             17:15    Johnston             

  217        Caleb Kistenmacher, 7      17:16    Urbandale            

  218        Nic Guild, 8               17:17    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  219        Drake Hintz, 8             17:18    Valley               

  220        Josh Holst, 8              17:18    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  221        Michael Daniels, 8         17:19    Fort Dodge           

  222        Patrich Schmidt, 8         17:22    Ames                 

  223        Dan Lothe, 8               17:36    Marshalltown         

  224        Mason Goffinet, 8          17:44    Ankeny Northview-S   

  225        Nathan Dickerson, 8        17:47    Valley               

  226        John Hollinrake, 8         17:55    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  227        Grant Manfull, 8           18:04    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  228        Ben Sanders, 8             18:16    Valley               

  229        Ian Crowl, 8               18:18    Fort Dodge           

  230        Bradley Baker, 7           18:18    Fort Dodge           

  231        Cayden Taylor, 8           18:20    Fort Dodge           

  232        Isaac Kuennen, 8           18:20    Valley               

  233        Drake Zehten, 7            18:24    Marshalltown         

  234        Jay Trivedi, 8             18:25    Valley               

  235        Jordan Jacobs, 8           18:28    Marshalltown         

  236        William Buttermore, 8      18:42    Ames                 

  237        Cory Koster, 8             18:45    Ankeny Prairie Ridge 

  238        Sean Eilers, 8             18:46    Valley               

  239        Sean Hilzendeger, 8        18:48    Valley               

  240        Kenny Gisler, 8            19:10    Valley               

  241    76  Harvey Bainter, 7          19:25    Nevada               

  242        Phil Salaba, 8             19:36    Valley               

  243        Matt Umland, 7             19:45    Urbandale            

  244    77  Hunter Schumaker, 8        19:47    Nevada               

  245        Noah Dietrich, 8           19:48    Ames                 

  246        Carson Mithelman, 7        19:55    Johnston             

  247        Thacker Trenton, 7         20:08    Nevada               

  248        Chay Potts, 7              20:17    Nevada               

  249        Drake Wick, 8              20:18    Valley               

  250        Curt Craven, 8             20:37    Valley               

  251        Monte Davis, 8             21:06    Valley               

  252        Jason Baldus, 8            21:12    Valley               

  253        Sammy Throm, 8             21:15    Valley               

  254        Drew Simmons, 7            21:26    Urbandale            

  255        Chris Hartley, 7           21:37    Johnston             

  256        Brandon Tate, 8            21:59    Ames                 

  257        William Sutton, 7          23:28    Nevada               

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