Johnston MS Girls 2 miles

Walnut Ridge, Saylorville Lake, IA

Sep. 7, 2010

74 degrees, sunny

Results by Michael Franke

Boys results here

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  1 Dowling Catholic         46    1    5   11   12   17   32   42    14:23    1:53
  2 Ames                     59    2    4    6   23   24   26   29    14:39    1:24
  3 Johnston                 80    9   14   16   20   21   22   25    14:52    0:36
  4 Indianola                99    8   10   19   27   35   37   41    15:09    1:40
  5 Waukee                  107    3   15   28   30   31   34   44    15:12    1:43
  6 Ankeny                  132    7   18   33   36   38   39   40    15:33    1:46
  7 North Polk              225   13   47   51   55   59   60   61    17:13    4:20
  8 Southeast Polk          240   45   46   48   49   52   53   57    17:04    0:44
  9 Saydel                  261   43   50   54   56   58              17:44    1:54
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Catholic
    1  Hannah Thomas, 8           13:05  
    5  Ellen Sullivan, 8          14:23  
   11  Claire Hartlieb, 8         14:43  
   12  Maddie Mclean, 8           14:44  
   17  Emily Seibel, 8            14:58  
   32  Erin Cahalan, 7            15:58  
   42  Caroline Warmuth, 7        16:40  
Total Time = 1:11:51     Total Places = 46

2. Ames
    2  Claire Dupuis, 7           13:56  
    4  Zoe Pritchard, 8           14:18  
    6  Payton Boylston, 8         14:26  
   23  Britney Stuart, 7          15:16  
   24  Elisa Sargent, 8           15:20  
   26  Sarah Friedrich, 7         15:29  
   29  Caila VanScoy, 7           15:35  
Total Time = 1:13:14     Total Places = 59

3. Johnston
    9  Jordyn Kleve, 8            14:29  
   14  Haley Daughtee, 8          14:48  
   16  Elle Marckmann, 8          14:56  
   20  Jady Polson, 8             15:04  
   21  Sara Ness, 7               15:05  
   22  Hannah Sieren, 8           15:09  
   25  Jordyn Achenbach, 7        15:21  
Total Time = 1:14:20     Total Places = 80

4. Indianola
    8  Paige Nichoson, 7          14:28  
   10  Hannah Snodgrass, 7        14:35  
   19  Kristina Quijano, 8        15:04  
   27  Maddy Green, 8             15:30  
   35  Ariel Dols, 8              16:08  
   37  Elie Askelsen, 7           16:10  
   41  Sadie Boyd, 7              16:19  
Total Time = 1:15:42     Total Places = 99

5. Waukee
    3  Brianna Young, 8           14:06  
   15  Olivia Prohaska, 8         14:49  
   28  Shannon Deatrick, 8        15:31  
   30  Taylor Hulsing, 8          15:42  
   31  Erika Lewis, 8             15:48  
   34  Gabi Gaines, 8             16:02  
   44  Savannah Oswald, 8         16:45  
Total Time = 1:15:56     Total Places = 107

6. Ankeny
    7  Marija Pritchard, 8        14:26  
   18  Olivia McCoy, 8            15:01  
   33  Hannah Beuter, 8           15:59  
   36  Maddie Meter, 8            16:09  
   38  Laurel Beth Evans, 8       16:11  
   39  Julia Tagy, 8              16:12  
   40  Jade Peterson, 8           16:16  
Total Time = 1:17:45     Total Places = 132

7. North Polk
   13  Allison Vincent, 8         14:45  
   47  Julia Rothfus, 7           16:58  
   51  Suzanna Host, 7            17:30  
   55  Erin Hammond, 8            17:45  
   59  Sadie Swygman, 7           19:05  
   60  Daphne Bergren, 7          19:55  
   61  Jackie Moeckly, 8          20:46  
Total Time = 1:26:01     Total Places = 225

8. Southeast Polk
   45  Brehm Jennesa, 8           16:46  
   46  Kalie Savage, 8            16:48  
   48  Carissa Bowie, 8           17:06  
   49  Madison Johannsen, 8       17:09  
   52  Amber Ford, 8              17:30  
   53  Autumn Hunt, 8             17:35  
   57  Delanie Murphy, 8          18:27  
Total Time = 1:25:18     Total Places = 240

9. Saydel
   43  Emma Bowman, 8             16:44  
   50  April Knight, 7            17:11  
   54  Cassie Chubb, 7            17:43  
   56  Alexis Kuehl, 8            18:26  
   58  Sydney Vail, 7             18:37  
Total Time = 1:28:40     Total Places = 261
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Hannah Thomas, 8           13:05    Dowling Catholic     
    2     2  Claire Dupuis, 7           13:56    Ames                 
    3     3  Brianna Young, 8           14:06    Waukee               
    4     4  Zoe Pritchard, 8           14:18    Ames                 
    5     5  Ellen Sullivan, 8          14:23    Dowling Catholic     
    6     6  Payton Boylston, 8         14:26    Ames                 
    7     7  Marija Pritchard, 8        14:26    Ankeny               
    8     8  Paige Nichoson, 7          14:28    Indianola            
    9     9  Jordyn Kleve, 8            14:29    Johnston             
   10    10  Hannah Snodgrass, 7        14:35    Indianola            
   11    11  Claire Hartlieb, 8         14:43    Dowling Catholic     
   12    12  Maddie Mclean, 8           14:44    Dowling Catholic     
   13    13  Allison Vincent, 8         14:45    North Polk           
   14    14  Haley Daughtee, 8          14:48    Johnston             
   15    15  Olivia Prohaska, 8         14:49    Waukee               
   16    16  Elle Marckmann, 8          14:56    Johnston             
   17    17  Emily Seibel, 8            14:58    Dowling Catholic     
   18    18  Olivia McCoy, 8            15:01    Ankeny               
   19    19  Kristina Quijano, 8        15:04    Indianola            
   20    20  Jady Polson, 8             15:04    Johnston             
   21    21  Sara Ness, 7               15:05    Johnston             
   22    22  Hannah Sieren, 8           15:09    Johnston             
   23    23  Britney Stuart, 7          15:16    Ames                 
   24    24  Elisa Sargent, 8           15:20    Ames                 
   25    25  Jordyn Achenbach, 7        15:21    Johnston             
   26        Anna Toot, 7               15:22    Johnston             
   27        Karli Killian, 8           15:23    Johnston             
   28        Kristina Rice, 7           15:24    Johnston             
   29        Sophia Cresta, 7           15:25    Johnston             
   30    26  Sarah Friedrich, 7         15:29    Ames                 
   31    27  Maddy Green, 8             15:30    Indianola            
   32        Abby Puk, 8                15:31    Johnston             
   33    28  Shannon Deatrick, 8        15:31    Waukee               
   34        Payton Thompson, 8         15:34    Johnston             
   35    29  Caila VanScoy, 7           15:35    Ames                 
   36        Margit Herrman, 7          15:36    Ames                 
   37        Ellen Bennett, 8           15:36    Johnston             
   38        Macy Vollbrecht, 7         15:41    Ames                 
   39    30  Taylor Hulsing, 8          15:42    Waukee               
   40        Kristen Phab, 7            15:47    Johnston             
   41    31  Erika Lewis, 8             15:48    Waukee               
   42        Sarah Kromminga, 8         15:53    Johnston             
   43        Emily Frisk, 7             15:57    Ames                 
   44    32  Erin Cahalan, 7            15:58    Dowling Catholic     
   45    33  Hannah Beuter, 8           15:59    Ankeny               
   46        Madison Thilges, 7         16:00    Johnston             
   47        Maddie Kouba, 7            16:01    Ames                 
   48    34  Gabi Gaines, 8             16:02    Waukee               
   49    35  Ariel Dols, 8              16:08    Indianola            
   50    36  Maddie Meter, 8            16:09    Ankeny               
   51    37  Elie Askelsen, 7           16:10    Indianola            
   52        Georgia Carroll, 8         16:10    Johnston             
   53        Anne Rogers, 8             16:11    Johnston             
   54    38  Laurel Beth Evans, 8       16:11    Ankeny               
   55    39  Julia Tagy, 8              16:12    Ankeny               
   56        Caroline Marnin, 8         16:12    Ames                 
   57    40  Jade Peterson, 8           16:16    Ankeny               
   58        Delilah Perales, 8         16:17    Ankeny               
   59    41  Sadie Boyd, 7              16:19    Indianola            
   60        Emma Thayer, 8             16:23    Johnston             
   61        Whitney Emrick, 7          16:30    Johnston             
   62        Emma Killian, 7            16:37    Johnston             
   63        Clare Farrell, 8           16:39    Johnston             
   64    42  Caroline Warmuth, 7        16:40    Dowling Catholic     
   65        Haley Pemble, 7            16:41    Johnston             
   66        Sidney Maras, 8            16:43    Johnston             
   67    43  Emma Bowman, 8             16:44    Saydel               
   68    44  Savannah Oswald, 8         16:45    Waukee               
   69        Kassidy Hays, 8            16:46    Waukee               
   70    45  Brehm Jennesa, 8           16:46    Southeast Polk       
   71        Courtney Mithelmann, 8     16:47    Johnston             
   72    46  Kalie Savage, 8            16:48    Southeast Polk       
   73        Taylor Knight, 8           16:49    Ankeny               
   74        Callie Farrand, 8          16:55    Ankeny               
   75        Katie Chumbley, 8          16:56    Ankeny               
   76    47  Julia Rothfus, 7           16:58    North Polk           
   77        Sandra Kromminga, 8        17:00    Johnston             
   78        Erica Thacker, 8           17:03    Johnston             
   79        Kate Leech, 7              17:04    Indianola            
   80    48  Carissa Bowie, 8           17:06    Southeast Polk       
   81        Kelsey Caffrey, 8          17:09    Johnston             
   82    49  Madison Johannsen, 8       17:09    Southeast Polk       
   83        Emma Georgeff, 8           17:10    Waukee               
   84    50  April Knight, 7            17:11    Saydel               
   85        Danie Vanderpool, 7        17:13    Indianola            
   86        Lauren Singbush, 7         17:16    Johnston             
   87        Bella Von Harz, 8          17:24    Waukee               
   88        Brylie Wiedmaier, 8        17:29    Indianola            
   89    51  Suzanna Host, 7            17:30    North Polk           
   90    52  Amber Ford, 8              17:30    Southeast Polk       
   91        Maddie Parker, 7           17:32    Indianola            
   92        Anna Larson, 7             17:33    Johnston             
   93        Gracie McConnell, 7        17:34    Indianola            
   94    53  Autumn Hunt, 8             17:35    Southeast Polk       
   95        Mollie Deskin, 7           17:37    Indianola            
   96    54  Cassie Chubb, 7            17:43    Saydel               
   97        Rebecca Stahr, 8           17:44    Johnston             
   98    55  Erin Hammond, 8            17:45    North Polk           
   99        Carissa Roberts, 8         17:46    Ames                 
  100        Jenna Robertson, 8         17:47    Ankeny               
  101        Olivia Goodale, 7          17:47    Johnston             
  102        Karly Artino, 8            17:48    Waukee               
  103        Kate Kielkopf, 7           17:55    Indianola            
  104        Tori Wells, 7              17:59    Johnston             
  105        Eryn Huff, 8               18:02    Ames                 
  106        Kennedy Cole, 7            18:13    Indianola            
  107        Kiersten Wright, 8         18:13    Ankeny               
  108        Maya Evans, 8              18:16    Ankeny               
  109        Katie Westlake, 7          18:17    Indianola            
  110        Mallory Krpan, 7           18:18    Indianola            
  111        Kaitlyn Barr, 8            18:19    Ames                 
  112        Haley Melby, 7             18:24    Ames                 
  113    56  Alexis Kuehl, 8            18:26    Saydel               
  114    57  Delanie Murphy, 8          18:27    Southeast Polk       
  115        Anna Ogilvie, 8            18:28    Ames                 
  116        Kelly Cherrier, 8          18:29    Johnston             
  117        Bridgette Biley, 8         18:29    Johnston             
  118        Molly Doruska, 8           18:32    Ankeny               
  119        Olivia Sauer, 8            18:32    Ames                 
  120        Abby Foutch, 7             18:34    Johnston             
  121        Andrea Poppinga, 8         18:35    Waukee               
  122    58  Sydney Vail, 7             18:37    Saydel               
  123        Audry Carew, 8             18:41    Ankeny               
  124        Salena Schmitz, 7          18:44    Ames                 
  125        Courtney Schaffer, 8       18:51    Southeast Polk       
  126        Erin Burdt, 8              18:52    Ankeny               
  127        Caitlyn Berkey, 8          18:54    Indianola            
  128        Ruchi Shekar, 8            18:55    Johnston             
  129        Meagan Halliwell, 7        18:56    Dowling Catholic     
  130        Alisha Giesselmann, 7      19:01    Johnston             
  131        Taylor Covey, 8            19:02    Ankeny               
  132        Jillian Blum, 7            19:02    Ames                 
  133        Jaclyn Johnson, 7          19:03    Ames                 
  134    59  Sadie Swygman, 7           19:05    North Polk           
  135        Ariana Hetland, 8          19:25    Ankeny               
  136        Amber Smith, 8             19:28    Ankeny               
  137        Kylie Morken, 7            19:30    Ames                 
  138        Carly Campbell, 7          19:31    Johnston             
  139        Dagney Paskach, 7          19:34    Ames                 
  140        Ayla Gooden, 8             19:39    Waukee               
  141        Taylor Boozell, 7          19:42    Indianola            
  142        Bailey Pohlman, 8          19:45    Johnston             
  143        Lila Rice, 7               19:45    Ames                 
  144        Mattie Kupfer, 7           19:46    Ames                 
  145    60  Daphne Bergren, 7          19:55    North Polk           
  146        Megan Kress, 7             19:56    Johnston             
  147        Ella Bartlett, 8           20:05    Ames                 
  148        Eileen Lagerblade, 7       20:12    Johnston             
  149        Molly Bagnall, 7           20:17    Ames                 
  150        Anna Bourke, 8             20:37    Ames                 
  151        Carson Stilwill, 8         20:45    Ankeny               
  152    61  Jackie Moeckly, 8          20:46    North Polk           
  153        Christine Simonsen, 8      20:47    Southeast Polk       
  154        Morgan Bodenstiener, 7     21:34    North Polk           
  155        Alexis Frisby, 8           21:52    Southeast Polk       
  156        Olivia Pellegrino, 8       21:55    Southeast Polk       
  157        Kate Murray, 7             23:27    Ames                 
  158        Sara Renaud, 8             23:44    Ankeny               
  159        Dakota Allfree, 8          24:24    Ames                 
  160        Lilly Keitges, 8           24:29    Ames                 
  161        Jasmine Turner, 8          24:29    Southeast Polk       
  162        Megan Peters, 7            26:09    Ames                 

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