Ankeny Middle School Invitational MS Boys

Northview MS - Ankeny, Iowa

Oct. 5, 2010

70 and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

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  1 Johnston                 35    1    3    4    9   18   23   29    12:01    1:06
  2 Dowling Catholic         49    2    5   11   15   16   20   33    12:14    1:02
  3 Ankeny                   96    6   17   21   24   28   35   59    12:41    0:53
  4 Valley                  128   14   19   22   32   41   46   49    12:57  0:1:00
  5 S E Polk                154    7   10   30   36   71   80   85    13:10    2:19
  6 Marshalltown            170    8   25   31   45   61   76   83    13:14    1:41
  7 Urbandale               197   12   39   47   48   51   68   73    13:24    1:15
  8 Waukee                  221   34   42   43   44   58   74   91    13:34    0:35
  9 Newton                  234   13   38   52   64   67   86   89    13:36    1:49
 10 Indianola               236   26   37   54   56   63   88   90    13:37    1:02
 11 Boone                   286   50   53   57   60   66   70   72    13:55    0:35
 12 Roosevelt               300   27   62   65   69   77   81   82    14:04    1:43
 13 Dallas Center-Grimes    327   40   55   75   78   79   84   87    14:19    1:18

Incomplete Teams: D M East
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    1  Jack Catus, 8              11:35  
    3  Myles Glandorf, 8          11:44  
    4  Connor Wunsch, 8           11:46  
    9  Max Culbert, 8             12:20  
   18  Dawson Kerr, 8             12:40  
   23  Ben Davis, 8               12:48  
   29  Nick Lee, 8                13:04  
Total Time = 1:00:03     Total Places = 35

2. Dowling Catholic
    2  Ryan Schweizer, 7          11:35  
    5  Sam Amadeo, 8              11:57  
   11  Mike Mcmanus, 8            12:24  
   15  Sean Conner, 7             12:35  
   16  Tommy Merfeld, 8           12:37  
   20  Parker Michel, 8           12:43  
   33  Max Palmer, 8              13:14  
Total Time = 1:01:07     Total Places = 49

3. Ankeny
    6  Brady Suby, 8              12:11  
   17  Tanner Rowheder, 8         12:37  
   21  Dj Johnson, 8              12:43  
   24  Andrew Strickland, 8       12:50  
   28  Jeff Hyler, 8              13:04  
   35  Sam Bastin, 8              13:22  
   59  Austin Lang, 8             13:57  
Total Time = 1:03:24     Total Places = 96

4. Valley
   14  Seth Brady, 8              12:32  
   19  Carson Vandeventer, 8      12:42  
   22  Lazaro Ramirez, 8          12:47  
   32  John Dickinson, 8          13:13  
   41  Grisham Hentzen, 8         13:31  
   46  Daniel Soto, 8             13:38  
   49  Nick Fox, 8                13:41  
Total Time = 1:04:42     Total Places = 128

5. S E Polk
    7  Mitchell Cole, 8           12:15  
   10  Drake Clouse, 8            12:24  
   30  Jordan Toomey, 8           13:13  
   36  Tristan Bracewell, 8       13:24  
   71  Damon Sharp, 8             14:34  
   80  Drew Brown, 8              14:50  
   85  Tyler Amsden, 8            15:01  
Total Time = 1:05:47     Total Places = 154

6. Marshalltown
    8  Trae Petterson, 8          12:20  
   25  Ellis Lincoln, 8           12:59  
   31  Sam Johnson, 8             13:13  
   45  Andrew Walker, 8           13:38  
   61  Josh Clauson, 8            14:00  
   76  Jacob Youngblood, 7        14:41  
   83  Marco Andrade, 8           14:57  
Total Time = 1:06:08     Total Places = 170

7. Urbandale
   12  Erik Miller, 8             12:27  
   39  Brady Kluesner, 8          13:30  
   47  Corser Paine, 8            13:39  
   48  Michael Salato, 8          13:40  
   51  Jonah Penningroth, 7       13:42  
   68  John Heinrich, 7           14:28  
   73  Zach Heronimus, 8          14:38  
Total Time = 1:06:56     Total Places = 197

8. Waukee
   34  Caleb Andrews, 8           13:19  
   42  Graham Vogt, 8             13:32  
   43  Sam Frederes, 8            13:33  
   44  Tyler Kirkman-Macklin, 8   13:33  
   58  Billy Torgerson, 8         13:54  
   74  Jarrett Morrison, 8        14:40  
   91  Tim Brown, 8               16:58  
Total Time = 1:07:49     Total Places = 221

9. Newton
   13  Jocob Thomas, 8            12:29  
   38  Nick McVey, 8              13:26  
   52  Jeff Fitzgerald, 8         13:43  
   64  Chase Dykstra, 7           14:03  
   67  Grant Osborn, 8            14:17  
   86  Jarret Horn, 8             15:05  
   89  Michael Retman, 8          15:14  
Total Time = 1:07:56     Total Places = 234

10. Indianola
   26  Jeff Hulen, 8              12:59  
   37  Fozzy Furler, 8            13:25  
   54  Zach Nehring, 8            13:48  
   56  August Franzen, 8          13:52  
   63  Garrett Boord, 8           14:01  
   88  Cole Bickham, 7            15:11  
   90  Conner Timmerman, 7        15:20  
Total Time = 1:08:03     Total Places = 236

11. Boone
   50  killian toro, 8            13:41  
   53  ben boesen, 8              13:44  
   57  ryan niday, 8              13:54  
   60  andrew larson, 8           13:59  
   66  derek hahn, 7              14:16  
   70  zachariah martin, 8        14:32  
   72  jacob krafcisin, 8         14:37  
Total Time = 1:09:32     Total Places = 286

12. Roosevelt
   27  Abdisalam Omar, 7          13:00  
   62  Sebastian Anderson, 7      14:00  
   65  Sean Good, 8               14:09  
   69  Ehan Heliskov, 8           14:29  
   77  Anders Titus, 8            14:42  
   81  Freddy Smith, 7            14:50  
   82  Zach Lin, 7                14:50  
Total Time = 1:10:18     Total Places = 300

13. Dallas Center-Grimes
   40  Colin Martin, 8            13:30  
   55  Jack Glasgow, 8            13:50  
   75  Nick Smith, 7              14:41  
   78  Adam Ewalt, 8              14:47  
   79  Josh Paulson, 7            14:48  
   84  Nick Cretors, 7            15:00  
   87  Cole Baker, 8              15:06  
Total Time = 1:11:34     Total Places = 327
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Jack Catus, 8              11:35    Johnston             
    2     2  Ryan Schweizer, 7          11:35    Dowling Catholic     
    3     3  Myles Glandorf, 8          11:44    Johnston             
    4     4  Connor Wunsch, 8           11:46    Johnston             
    5     5  Sam Amadeo, 8              11:57    Dowling Catholic     
    6     6  Brady Suby, 8              12:11    Ankeny               
    7     7  Mitchell Cole, 8           12:15    S E Polk             
    8     8  Trae Petterson, 8          12:20    Marshalltown         
    9     9  Max Culbert, 8             12:20    Johnston             
   10    10  Drake Clouse, 8            12:24    S E Polk             
   11    11  Mike Mcmanus, 8            12:24    Dowling Catholic     
   12    12  Erik Miller, 8             12:27    Urbandale            
   13    13  Jocob Thomas, 8            12:29    Newton               
   14    14  Seth Brady, 8              12:32    Valley               
   15    15  Sean Conner, 7             12:35    Dowling Catholic     
   16    16  Tommy Merfeld, 8           12:37    Dowling Catholic     
   17    17  Tanner Rowheder, 8         12:37    Ankeny               
   18    18  Dawson Kerr, 8             12:40    Johnston             
   19    19  Carson Vandeventer, 8      12:42    Valley               
   20    20  Parker Michel, 8           12:43    Dowling Catholic     
   21    21  Dj Johnson, 8              12:43    Ankeny               
   22    22  Lazaro Ramirez, 8          12:47    Valley               
   23    23  Ben Davis, 8               12:48    Johnston             
   24    24  Andrew Strickland, 8       12:50    Ankeny               
   25    25  Ellis Lincoln, 8           12:59    Marshalltown         
   26    26  Jeff Hulen, 8              12:59    Indianola            
   27    27  Abdisalam Omar, 7          13:00    Roosevelt            
   28    28  Jeff Hyler, 8              13:04    Ankeny               
   29    29  Nick Lee, 8                13:04    Johnston             
   30        Zach Smith, 7              13:06    Johnston             
   31        Drew Hershey, 7            13:10    Johnston             
   32    30  Jordan Toomey, 8           13:13    S E Polk             
   33    31  Sam Johnson, 8             13:13    Marshalltown         
   34    32  John Dickinson, 8          13:13    Valley               
   35    33  Max Palmer, 8              13:14    Dowling Catholic     
   36        Cole Lafollette, 8         13:14    Johnston             
   37    34  Caleb Andrews, 8           13:19    Waukee               
   38    35  Sam Bastin, 8              13:22    Ankeny               
   39    36  Tristan Bracewell, 8       13:24    S E Polk             
   40    37  Fozzy Furler, 8            13:25    Indianola            
   41    38  Nick McVey, 8              13:26    Newton               
   42        Alex Smith, 7              13:29    Dowling Catholic     
   43        Henrey Pohlmeyer, 8        13:29    Johnston             
   44    39  Brady Kluesner, 8          13:30    Urbandale            
   45    40  Colin Martin, 8            13:30    Dallas Center-Grimes 
   46    41  Grisham Hentzen, 8         13:31    Valley               
   47        Jacob Orr, 8               13:32    Johnston             
   48    42  Graham Vogt, 8             13:32    Waukee               
   49    43  Sam Frederes, 8            13:33    Waukee               
   50    44  Tyler Kirkman-Macklin, 8   13:33    Waukee               
   51        Travis Price, 8            13:35    Johnston             
   52    45  Andrew Walker, 8           13:38    Marshalltown         
   53    46  Daniel Soto, 8             13:38    Valley               
   54    47  Corser Paine, 8            13:39    Urbandale            
   55    48  Michael Salato, 8          13:40    Urbandale            
   56        Seth Andrews, 8            13:41    Johnston             
   57    49  Nick Fox, 8                13:41    Valley               
   58    50  killian toro, 8            13:41    Boone                
   59        Cole Balmer, 8             13:42    Johnston             
   60    51  Jonah Penningroth, 7       13:42    Urbandale            
   61    52  Jeff Fitzgerald, 8         13:43    Newton               
   62        Brett Kerr, 7              13:43    Johnston             
   63    53  ben boesen, 8              13:44    Boone                
   64    54  Zach Nehring, 8            13:48    Indianola            
   65    55  Jack Glasgow, 8            13:50    Dallas Center-Grimes 
   66    56  August Franzen, 8          13:52    Indianola            
   67        Will Coppess, 8            13:53    Valley               
   68    57  ryan niday, 8              13:54    Boone                
   69    58  Billy Torgerson, 8         13:54    Waukee               
   70    59  Austin Lang, 8             13:57    Ankeny               
   71    60  andrew larson, 8           13:59    Boone                
   72        Brad Cherrier, 8           14:00    Johnston             
   73    61  Josh Clauson, 8            14:00    Marshalltown         
   74    62  Sebastian Anderson, 7      14:00    Roosevelt            
   75    63  Garrett Boord, 8           14:01    Indianola            
   76        Parker Grant, 8            14:03    Ankeny               
   77    64  Chase Dykstra, 7           14:03    Newton               
   78        Tyler Franke, 7            14:04    Johnston             
   79        Ross Kromminga, 8          14:08    Johnston             
   80        Gavin Mumm, 7              14:08    Johnston             
   81    65  Sean Good, 8               14:09    Roosevelt            
   82    66  derek hahn, 7              14:16    Boone                
   83    67  Grant Osborn, 8            14:17    Newton               
   84        Cole Neppl, 8              14:20    Ankeny               
   85        Nikash Pradhan, 8          14:22    Johnston             
   86        Hunter Twedt, 8            14:23    Ankeny               
   87        Erik Salmon, 8             14:26    Johnston             
   88    68  John Heinrich, 7           14:28    Urbandale            
   89        Ben Tack, 7                14:29    Johnston             
   90    69  Ehan Heliskov, 8           14:29    Roosevelt            
   91        Kolton Vinzant, 8          14:30    Ankeny               
   92        Justin Wignall, 8          14:31    Ankeny               
   93    70  zachariah martin, 8        14:32    Boone                
   94        Cole Mullins, 8            14:33    Valley               
   95    71  Damon Sharp, 8             14:34    S E Polk             
   96        Orlando Sanchez, 8         14:36    Valley               
   97        Fuller Biehl, 8            14:36    Ankeny               
   98    72  jacob krafcisin, 8         14:37    Boone                
   99    73  Zach Heronimus, 8          14:38    Urbandale            
  100        Michael Reiter, 8          14:39    Johnston             
  101    74  Jarrett Morrison, 8        14:40    Waukee               
  102    75  Nick Smith, 7              14:41    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  103    76  Jacob Youngblood, 7        14:41    Marshalltown         
  104    77  Anders Titus, 8            14:42    Roosevelt            
  105        Taylor Gwenapp, 8          14:42    Johnston             
  106        Luke Pater, 8              14:46    Johnston             
  107    78  Adam Ewalt, 8              14:47    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  108    79  Josh Paulson, 7            14:48    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  109    80  Drew Brown, 8              14:50    S E Polk             
  110        Teddy Katz, 8              14:50    Johnston             
  111    81  Freddy Smith, 7            14:50    Roosevelt            
  112        Travis Graff, 8            14:50    Valley               
  113    82  Zach Lin, 7                14:50    Roosevelt            
  114        Alex Mbayo, 8              14:53    Valley               
  115        Devin Vander Werff, 7      14:54    Johnston             
  116        Andrew Wagoner, 8          14:55    Valley               
  117    83  Marco Andrade, 8           14:57    Marshalltown         
  118        Thomas Carrol, 7           14:58    Dowling Catholic     
  119        Tyler Miller, 7            15:00    Urbandale            
  120    84  Nick Cretors, 7            15:00    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  121        Nile Kroner, 7             15:00    Johnston             
  122    85  Tyler Amsden, 8            15:01    S E Polk             
  123        Nick Turner, 8             15:01    Ankeny               
  124        Sam Hainline, 8            15:01    Johnston             
  125        Joseph Derry, 7            15:02    Johnston             
  126        Cameron Hay, 8             15:02    Johnston             
  127        Josh Barnes, 8             15:02    S E Polk             
  128        Caleb Eichelberger, 8      15:02    S E Polk             
  129        Myles Becker, 8            15:03    Ankeny               
  130        Reece Bachman, 8           15:04    Ankeny               
  131        Logan Peterson, 8          15:04    Ankeny               
  132        Eli Dotson, 7              15:05    Roosevelt            
  133        Keaton Denker, 8           15:05    Valley               
  134    86  Jarret Horn, 8             15:05    Newton               
  135    87  Cole Baker, 8              15:06    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  136        Shamus McCarthy, 7         15:06    Dowling Catholic     
  137        Austin Russ, 7             15:08    Johnston             
  138        Lewis Vanderwall, 8        15:09    Johnston             
  139        Dylan Hutzel, 8            15:10    Marshalltown         
  140        Tad Schweizer, 7           15:10    Urbandale            
  141    88  Cole Bickham, 7            15:11    Indianola            
  142        Logan Byl, 8               15:12    Valley               
  143        Blake Schaben, 7           15:13    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  144        Alex Mason, 8              15:13    Marshalltown         
  145    89  Michael Retman, 8          15:14    Newton               
  146        Jacob Ramsey-Smith, 7      15:15    Marshalltown         
  147        Frank Bosca, 7             15:17    Johnston             
  148        Collin Laughlin, 8         15:18    Johnston             
  149        Armin Vlahouljak, 8        15:18    Urbandale            
  150        Noah Welch, 8              15:18    Valley               
  151        Jake Page, 7               15:19    Johnston             
  152    90  Conner Timmerman, 7        15:20    Indianola            
  153        coltin jones, 8            15:21    Boone                
  154        Ryan Thompson, 8           15:21    Valley               
  155        Austin Garcia, 7           15:22    Johnston             
  156        Jonah Keeton, 7            15:23    Newton               
  157        Dalton Huerter, 7          15:24    Urbandale            
  158        Michael Minks, 8           15:24    Ankeny               
  159        Jacob Arrowdod, 8          15:25    Newton               
  160        Mike McCormick, 8          15:26    Newton               
  161        Owen Spencer, 8            15:26    Marshalltown         
  162        Drew Dodd, 7               15:27    Johnston             
  163        Lucas Phillips, 7          15:29    Urbandale            
  164        Will Gunderson, 7          15:30    Roosevelt            
  165        Sun Leon, 8                15:31    Johnston             
  166        Brian Elliott, 8           15:34    Valley               
  167        Baldeep Dhingra, 8         15:35    Valley               
  168        Wesley Montoya, 8          15:35    Valley               
  169        Ross Heddens, 8            15:36    Marshalltown         
  170        Josh Wells, 7              15:48    Marshalltown         
  171        Thomas Jackson, 7          15:50    Johnston             
  172        Riley Stuart, 7            15:51    Urbandale            
  173        Mitch Marek, 7             15:52    Johnston             
  174        Colin Christy              15:53    Dowling Catholic     
  175        Tristan Albright, 8        15:53    Ankeny               
  176        Harrison Kruse, 8          15:55    Johnston             
  177        Jonathon Ferry, 8          15:56    Ankeny               
  178        Aaron Wirt, 8              15:58    Roosevelt            
  179        Will Abeling, 8            15:58    Valley               
  180        Tristan Coaldrake, 8       16:02    Johnston             
  181        Misha Barr, 8              16:05    Roosevelt            
  182        Eric Schnieder, 8          16:06    Johnston             
  183        Jack Miller, 8             16:06    Johnston             
  184        Nicholas Hanstad, 7        16:06    Johnston             
  185        Gabe Jacobs, 8             16:07    Valley               
  186        Brandon Weddell, 8         16:08    Urbandale            
  187        Brandon Blythe, 8          16:08    Valley               
  188        Adrian Alread, 8           16:10    Roosevelt            
  189        Luke Engblom, 7            16:11    Johnston             
  190        Ezra Schley, 7             16:13    Roosevelt            
  191        Tyler Britten, 8           16:16    Ankeny               
  192        Joe Thatcher, 7            16:18    Johnston             
  193        Nathan Hibbs, 8            16:21    Johnston             
  194        keegan good, 8             16:23    Boone                
  195        Matthew Baird, 7           16:26    Johnston             
  196        Stefan Peng, 8             16:28    Marshalltown         
  197        Jack Kester, 7             16:29    Marshalltown         
  198        Zach Bergmann, 7           16:30    Urbandale            
  199        Arjun Chawla, 8            16:31    Valley               
  200        Justin Nimmo, 8            16:33    Valley               
  201        Dylan Cottrell, 8          16:35    Johnston             
  202        Ashton Cracraft, 8         16:35    Urbandale            
  203        Garrett Schaeffer, 8       16:37    Ankeny               
  204        Ryan Vaden, 7              16:44    Johnston             
  205        jacob mallas, 8            16:45    Boone                
  206        Dylan Gardner, 7           16:45    Johnston             
  207        Carter Kennedy, 7          16:46    Indianola            
  208        Senad Besic, 8             16:48    Johnston             
  209        David Maller, 8            16:50    Valley               
  210        Daniel Spain, 7            16:51    Indianola            
  211        Tyler Holmberg, 8          16:54    S E Polk             
  212        Carter White, 8            16:56    Valley               
  213    91  Tim Brown, 8               16:58    Waukee               
  214        zachary hockemeier, 8      17:03    Boone                
  215        Luke Zach, 7               17:05    Roosevelt            
  216        Riley Tuon, 7              17:08    Johnston             
  217        alec nicols, 8             17:14    Boone                
  218        Nick Saluri, 8             17:18    Johnston             
  219        Nolan Dahm, 8              17:21    Valley               
  220        Hunter Rose, 7             17:21    Johnston             
  221        Alex Weakland, 7           17:24    Roosevelt            
  222        Andrew Schumway, 7         17:26    Roosevelt            
  223        Cory Mullins, 8            17:26    Valley               
  224        zeth anderson, 8           17:32    Boone                
  225        Jacob Means, 7             17:36    Roosevelt            
  226        Evan Englehardt, 8         17:38    Ankeny               
  227        Andrew Gunhus, 7           17:39    Johnston             
  228        Keegen Noftsger, 8         17:42    Indianola            
  229        Maison Gray, 7             17:49    Newton               
  230        Nathan Robb, 8             17:52    Valley               
  231        Henry Gunderson, 7         17:58    Roosevelt            
  232        Jacob Vanden Berg, 8       18:23    Indianola            
  233        Andy Kell, 8               18:24    Indianola            
  234        Walter Lagerblade, 8       18:29    Johnston             
  235        Andy Anderson, 7           19:06    Roosevelt            
  236        Andrew Dickerson, 8        19:08    Valley               
  237        Kaitlyn Vance, 8           19:13    D M East             
  238        Garrett Shipley, 8         19:17    Urbandale            
  239        Danny Corbin, 8            19:21    Johnston             
  240        Luke Williams, 8           19:33    Dallas Center-Grimes 
  241        Cole Podhasky, 7           19:37    Marshalltown         
  242        Patrick Day, 7             19:53    Urbandale            
  243        Jordan Jacobs, 7           19:54    Marshalltown         
  244        Ross Campbell, 8           20:19    Valley               
  245        Dan Loethe, 7              20:21    Marshalltown         
  246        Christian Betts, 7         20:34    Urbandale            
  247        Rustin Aufdenkamp, 7       20:40    Urbandale            
  248        John Norris, 8             21:22    Johnston             
  249        Wyatt Stonewall, 7         21:31    Marshalltown         
  250        Eli Harvey, 7              22:14    Dowling Catholic     
  251        Sachin Gupta, 8            22:14    Johnston             
  252        Tyler Manning, 7           22:14    Urbandale            
  253        James Karns, 8             22:40    Valley               
  254        Trent Folsom, 8            22:55    Johnston             

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