Ankeny XC MS Invite MS Boys 2 miles

Prairie Ridge Sports Complex - Ankeny, Iowa

Oct. 9, 2008

60s, sunny, perfect

Results by Cal Murdock

Girls results

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  1   Dowling Catholic         49    1    6   10   14   18   26   40   13:14      1:07
  2   Johnston                 73    4   11   12   22   24   28   29   13:26        56
  3   Ankeny                   83    5    7   13   21   37   39   43   13:32      1:17
  4   Valley                  115    9   16   25   32   33   50   51   13:48      1:05
  5   Marshalltown            133    2   20   23   42   46   73   74   13:49      1:44
  6   Roosevelt               160    3    8   31   58   60   66   91   13:57      2:03
  7   Waukee                  177   17   34   35   44   47   52   54   14:12        52
  8   Urbandale               224   36   38   48   49   53   57   62   14:27        24
  9   Dallas Center-Grimes    272   15   27   61   81   88   89   90   15:04      3:39
 10   Southeast Polk          276   19   56   59   70   72   83   84   14:47      1:38
 11   Indianola               289   30   55   65   68   71   76   77   14:50      1:16
 12   Boone                   293   41   45   63   69   75   79   80   14:52      1:04
 13   Newton                  376   64   67   78   82   85   86   87   15:44      1:32


1. Dowling Catholic
    1  J R. Snyder, 8              12:35  
    6  Jason Thomas, 8             13:07  
   10  Eddie Arndorfer, 8          13:13  
   14  Josh Harry, 8               13:32  
   18  Joe Amadeo, 8               13:42  
   26  Dominic Mauro, 8            13:50  
   40  Charlie Jones, 8            14:18  
Time = 1:06:07     Places = 49

2. Johnston
    4  Aj Keech, 8                 12:54  
   11  Dakota Weeter, 8            13:17  
   12  David Rice, 7               13:20  
   22  Joe Fairchild, 7            13:48  
   24  Austin Kerr, 7              13:49  
   28  Jacob Tinker, 7             13:59  
   29  Connor Westlake, 7          14:00  
Time = 1:07:06     Places = 73

3. Ankeny
    5  Logan Dengler, 8            13:00  
    7  Colton Herrick, 8           13:08  
   13  Logan Powers, 8             13:27  
   21  Jacob Ashton, 8             13:46  
   37  Andrew Richlen, 8           14:16  
   39  Logan Nicol, 8              14:17  
   43  Zachary Halder, 8           14:23  
Time = 1:07:36     Places = 83

4. Valley
    9  Ryan Peterson, 8            13:09  
   16  Brian Wahlig, 8             13:38  
   25  Matt Vannatta, 8            13:49  
   32  Mitchell Annett, 8          14:10  
   33  Matthew Olson, 8            14:13  
   50  Drew Yersin, 8              14:34  
   51  Davey Daft, 8               14:36  
Time = 1:08:57     Places = 115

5. Marshalltown
    2  Nestor Sanchez, 8           12:44  
   20  Daniel Talbert, 8           13:45  
   23  Riley Wirth, 8              13:49  
   42  Drew Wynes, 7               14:22  
   46  Jacob Heatwell, 8           14:28  
   73  Micah Chizever, 8           15:23  
   74  David Butler, 8             15:23  
Time = 1:09:05     Places = 133

6. Roosevelt
    3  Grant Suttie, 8             12:48  
    8  Graham Oman, 7              13:08  
   31  Ben Newell, 7               14:07  
   58  Colton Marcellus, 8         14:49  
   60  John Schumway, 8            14:50  
   66  Andrew Slocum, 7            15:03  
   91  Jack Walsh, 8               17:57  
Time = 1:09:41     Places = 160

7. Waukee
   17  Marcus McVey, 7             13:38  
   34  Dylan Smith, 8              14:14  
   35  Dylan Palmer, 7             14:14  
   44  Tyler Koppes, 7             14:24  
   47  Jt Trible, 8                14:30  
   52  Ben Modrell, 8              14:38  
   54  James Caldwell, 8           14:39  
Time = 1:10:59     Places = 177

8. Urbandale
   36  Quinn Prescott, 7           14:15  
   38  Alec Crane, 7               14:17  
   48  Quinn Lafrentz, 7           14:32  
   49  Evan Stearns, 7             14:33  
   53  Jacob Thompson, 7           14:38  
   57  Logan Wagner, 8             14:49  
   62  Nick Bartschat, 8           14:54  
Time = 1:12:13     Places = 224

9. Dallas Center-Grimes
   15  Jacob Wiemers, 7            13:34  
   27  Matt Taylor, 8              13:56  
   61  Andrew Hoyt, 8              14:53  
   81  Keegan Wolfe, 8             15:44  
   88  Jordan Romig, 8             17:12  
   89  Joe Powers, 7               17:12  
   90  Kyle Schipper, 7            17:36  
Time = 1:15:16     Places = 272

10. Southeast Polk
   19  Ethan Pellegrino, 7         13:43  
   56  John Hartung, 7             14:48  
   59  Andrew Bayliff, 7           14:50  
   70  Jordan Philips, 8           15:14  
   72  Welch Brandon, 7            15:20  
   83  Bj Corrigan, 8              16:25  
   84  Joey Stoll, 7               16:25  
Time = 1:13:53     Places = 276

11. Indianola
   30  Zach Hanna, 8               14:01  
   55  Nate Jones, 8               14:44  
   65  Ruvim Nochvay, 7            15:02  
   68  Grant Sexton, 8             15:07  
   71  Jonah Hatten, 8             15:17  
   76  Bryce Bickham, 7            15:36  
   77  Tristin Etcher, 7           15:37  
Time = 1:14:09     Places = 289

12. Boone
   41  Matthew Harris, 8           14:21  
   45  Blaine Phillips, 8          14:25  
   63  Max McCubbin, 8             15:00  
   69  Andrew Weers, 8             15:08  
   75  Pablo Hernnandez, 8         15:25  
   79  Mason Hartwig, 7            15:43  
   80  Matthew Walker, 7           15:44  
Time = 1:14:17     Places = 293

13. Newton
   64  Alex Osborn, 8              15:01  
   67  Ryan Rosenquist, 7          15:06  
   78  Peter Hopkins, 8            15:40  
   82  Spencer Hook, 8             16:23  
   85  Jakob Thompson, 7           16:33  
   86  Jacob Herduin, 8            16:58  
   87  Brady Nickel, 7             16:59  
Time = 1:18:40     Places = 376

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  J R. Snyder, 8              12:35    Dowling Catholic
    2     2  Nestor Sanchez, 8           12:44    Marshalltown
    3     3  Grant Suttie, 8             12:48    Roosevelt
    4     4  Aj Keech, 8                 12:54    Johnston
    5     5  Logan Dengler, 8            13:00    Ankeny
    6     6  Jason Thomas, 8             13:07    Dowling Catholic
    7     7  Colton Herrick, 8           13:08    Ankeny
    8     8  Graham Oman, 7              13:08    Roosevelt
    9     9  Ryan Peterson, 8            13:09    Valley
   10    10  Eddie Arndorfer, 8          13:13    Dowling Catholic
   11    11  Dakota Weeter, 8            13:17    Johnston
   12    12  David Rice, 7               13:20    Johnston
   13    13  Logan Powers, 8             13:27    Ankeny
   14    14  Josh Harry, 8               13:32    Dowling Catholic
   15    15  Jacob Wiemers, 7            13:34    Dallas Center-Grimes
   16    16  Brian Wahlig, 8             13:38    Valley
   17    17  Marcus McVey, 7             13:38    Waukee
   18    18  Joe Amadeo, 8               13:42    Dowling Catholic
   19    19  Ethan Pellegrino, 7         13:43    Southeast Polk
   20    20  Daniel Talbert, 8           13:45    Marshalltown
   21    21  Jacob Ashton, 8             13:46    Ankeny
   22    22  Joe Fairchild, 7            13:48    Johnston
   23    23  Riley Wirth, 8              13:49    Marshalltown
   24    24  Austin Kerr, 7              13:49    Johnston
   25    25  Matt Vannatta, 8            13:49    Valley
   26    26  Dominic Mauro, 8            13:50    Dowling Catholic
   27    27  Matt Taylor, 8              13:56    Dallas Center-Grimes
   28    28  Jacob Tinker, 7             13:59    Johnston
   29    29  Connor Westlake, 7          14:00    Johnston
   30        Zack Robinson, 8            14:01    Johnston
   31    30  Zach Hanna, 8               14:01    Indianola
   32    31  Ben Newell, 7               14:07    Roosevelt
   33        Dalton Handel, 8            14:09    Johnston
   34    32  Mitchell Annett, 8          14:10    Valley
   35    33  Matthew Olson, 8            14:13    Valley
   36    34  Dylan Smith, 8              14:14    Waukee
   37    35  Dylan Palmer, 7             14:14    Waukee
   38    36  Quinn Prescott, 7           14:15    Urbandale
   39    37  Andrew Richlen, 8           14:16    Ankeny
   40    38  Alec Crane, 7               14:17    Urbandale
   41    39  Logan Nicol, 8              14:17    Ankeny
   42    40  Charlie Jones, 8            14:18    Dowling Catholic
   43    41  Matthew Harris, 8           14:21    Boone
   44    42  Drew Wynes, 7               14:22    Marshalltown
   45    43  Zachary Halder, 8           14:23    Ankeny
   46    44  Tyler Koppes, 7             14:24    Waukee
   47    45  Blaine Phillips, 8          14:25    Boone
   48    46  Jacob Heatwell, 8           14:28    Marshalltown
   49    47  Jt Trible, 8                14:30    Waukee
   50    48  Quinn Lafrentz, 7           14:32    Urbandale
   51    49  Evan Stearns, 7             14:33    Urbandale
   52    50  Drew Yersin, 8              14:34    Valley
   53    51  Davey Daft, 8               14:36    Valley
   54        Andrew Peterson, 8          14:38    Valley
   55    52  Ben Modrell, 8              14:38    Waukee
   56    53  Jacob Thompson, 7           14:38    Urbandale
   57    54  James Caldwell, 8           14:39    Waukee
   58        Connor Simmons, 8           14:40    Waukee
   59        Noah Larrison, 7            14:41    Waukee
   60        Drew Carlson, 7             14:43    Waukee
   61        Josiah Kisker, 8            14:43    Ankeny
   62        Ryan Ingebrand, 7           14:43    Johnston
   63        Zeke Aunan, 7               14:44    Waukee
   64    55  Nate Jones, 8               14:44    Indianola
   65        Logan Dean, 8               14:45    Johnston
   66        Christopher Culligan, 8     14:46    Ankeny
   67        Alex Selesky, 8             14:46    Ankeny
   68        Chris Wodniak, 8            14:47    Dowling Catholic
   69        Calvin Kimrey, 7            14:47    Johnston
   70    56  John Hartung, 7             14:48    Southeast Polk
   71        Ethan Moran, 7              14:48    Johnston
   72    57  Logan Wagner, 8             14:49    Urbandale
   73    58  Colton Marcellus, 8         14:49    Roosevelt
   74    59  Andrew Bayliff, 7           14:50    Southeast Polk
   75    60  John Schumway, 8            14:50    Roosevelt
   76        Josh Boeschen, 8            14:51    Johnston
   77        Jordan Boge, 7              14:52    Johnston
   78        Tommy Blank, 8              14:52    Dowling Catholic
   79    61  Andrew Hoyt, 8              14:53    Dallas Center-Grimes
   80        Tyler Juhl, 7               14:53    Dowling Catholic
   81    62  Nick Bartschat, 8           14:54    Urbandale
   82        Kyle Beyer, 8               14:55    Ankeny
   83        Daniel Robinson, 8          14:56    Ankeny
   84        Dan Happe, 8                14:57    Dowling Catholic
   85    63  Max McCubbin, 8             15:00    Boone
   86    64  Alex Osborn, 8              15:01    Newton
   87        Drew Hays, 8                15:02    Waukee
   88    65  Ruvim Nochvay, 7            15:02    Indianola
   89    66  Andrew Slocum, 7            15:03    Roosevelt
   90    67  Ryan Rosenquist, 7          15:06    Newton
   91        Josh Nabity, 8              15:06    Ankeny
   92    68  Grant Sexton, 8             15:07    Indianola
   93    69  Andrew Weers, 8             15:08    Boone
   94        Dillon Chase, 8             15:08    Ankeny
   95        Dellan Llwellyn, 7          15:08    Waukee
   96        Sam Altier, 8               15:09    Johnston
   97        Gregory Cowan, 8            15:11    Ankeny
   98        Hayden Woods, 8             15:12    Johnston
   99        Alek Benson, 8              15:14    Ankeny
  100    70  Jordan Philips, 8           15:14    Southeast Polk
  101        Michael Quinn, 8            15:14    Urbandale
  102        Hunter Haws, 8              15:15    Ankeny
  103    71  Jonah Hatten, 8             15:17    Indianola
  104        Andrew Kemp, 8              15:18    Valley
  105        Thomas Gookin, 7            15:19    Dowling Catholic
  106    72  Welch Brandon, 7            15:20    Southeast Polk
  107        Lucas Lockhart, 8           15:21    Ankeny
  108    73  Micah Chizever, 8           15:23    Marshalltown
  109    74  David Butler, 8             15:23    Marshalltown
  110        Cole Balvanz, 7             15:23    Marshalltown
  111    75  Pablo Hernnandez, 8         15:25    Boone
  112        John Koopal, 7              15:25    Johnston
  113        Griffin McEniry, 7          15:26    Waukee
  114        Austin Bettle, 8            15:29    Ankeny
  115        Johnny Coder, 7             15:30    Waukee
  116    76  Bryce Bickham, 7            15:36    Indianola
  117    77  Tristin Etcher, 7           15:37    Indianola
  118    78  Peter Hopkins, 8            15:40    Newton
  119        Sam Perington, 8            15:40    Johnston
  120        Michael Siebert, 7          15:41    Johnston
  121        Jake Kuyper, 7              15:41    Waukee
  122    79  Mason Hartwig, 7            15:43    Boone
  123    80  Matthew Walker, 7           15:44    Boone
  124    81  Keegan Wolfe, 8             15:44    Dallas Center-Grimes
  125        Jacob Shirar, 7             15:44    Marshalltown
  126        Tyler Smidt, 8              15:46    Ankeny
  127        Jordon Murray, 7            15:46    Boone
  128        Michael Fear, 8             15:47    Valley
  129        Evan Blackwell, 8           15:50    Waukee
  130        Adam Hudson, 8              15:52    Ankeny
  131        Adam Podhajsky, 8           15:54    Marshalltown
  132        Ryan Tunink, 7              15:58    Waukee
  133        Josh Allen, 8               15:59    Ankeny
  134        Alex Collins, 8             15:59    Waukee
  135        Devin Lawler, 8             16:00    Marshalltown
  136        Henry Oberman, 7            16:00    Waukee
  137        Grant Pieper, 8             16:00    Waukee
  138        Josh Crew, 8                16:02    Valley
  139        Donovan Benson, 7           16:03    Waukee
  140        Jacob Jansen, 7             16:04    Johnston
  141        Perry Hook, 8               16:05    Valley
  142        Brandon Baxter, 8           16:05    Ankeny
  143        Tyler Peterson, 7           16:12    Boone
  144        Noah Beebe, 7               16:13    Johnston
  145        Andrew Boge, 7              16:14    Johnston
  146        Jordan Huff, 7              16:22    Indianola
  147    82  Spencer Hook, 8             16:23    Newton
  148        Henry Long, 7               16:24    Dowling Catholic
  149    83  Bj Corrigan, 8              16:25    Southeast Polk
  150    84  Joey Stoll, 7               16:25    Southeast Polk
  151        Johnathan Kunkel, 7         16:25    Marshalltown
  152        Alex Williams, 8            16:28    Indianola
  153        Tyler Legg, 8               16:30    Marshalltown
  154        Ryan Decker, 7              16:31    Johnston
  155        Sammy Meyer, 7              16:32    Johnston
  156    85  Jakob Thompson, 7           16:33    Newton
  157        Adam Vail, 7                16:35    Southeast Polk
  158        Eddie Babbit, 8             16:36    Boone
  159        Clayton Bowers, 8           16:37    Indianola
  160        Josh Higginbottom, 8        16:39    Valley
  161        Ryan Shomo, 8               16:40    Marshalltown
  162        Jacob Harrington, 7         16:40    Southeast Polk
  163        Cody Ryan, 8                16:44    Waukee
  164        Max Hendricks, 7            16:46    Waukee
  165        Justin Keil, 8              16:47    Marshalltown
  166        Sam Carter, 7               16:48    Marshalltown
  167        Kellen Schneider, 8         16:49    Valley
  168        Raymund Dulhuney, 8         16:55    Marshalltown
  169        Hunter Bernard, 7           16:57    Marshalltown
  170        Mitch Roecher, 7            16:57    Indianola
  171        Michael Hanstad, 7          16:57    Johnston
  172    86  Jacob Herduin, 8            16:58    Newton
  173    87  Brady Nickel, 7             16:59    Newton
  174        Antony Gladwyn-Nash, 7      16:59    Southeast Polk
  175        Chris Kline, 7              17:02    Johnston
  176        Chase Harper, 7             17:03    Boone
  177        Isiah Blubaugh, 8           17:03    Ankeny
  178        Collin Ten Haken, 8         17:04    Valley
  179        Ethan Degroot, 8            17:05    Johnston
  180        Jared Neal, 8               17:09    Valley
  181        Rodrigo Herrera, 7          17:10    Johnston
  182    88  Jordan Romig, 8             17:12    Dallas Center-Grimes
  183    89  Joe Powers, 7               17:12    Dallas Center-Grimes
  184        Sebastian Peters, 8         17:14    Newton
  185        Jacob Evans, 7              17:14    Southeast Polk
  186        David Nicholson, 8          17:15    Valley
  187        Matt Roozeboom, 7           17:15    Waukee
  188        Grant Doyle, 7              17:19    Southeast Polk
  189        Sam Beattie, 7              17:19    Southeast Polk
  190        Cody Cockerham, 8           17:19    Southeast Polk
  191        Sanjay Koduvalli, 7         17:20    Johnston
  192        John Huynh, 7               17:21    Southeast Polk
  193        Alex Clark, 7               17:25    Johnston
  194        John Linde, 8               17:30    Waukee
  195        Karch Latrop, 7             17:31    Waukee
  196        Nate Person, 7              17:34    Southeast Polk
  197        Marcus Henze, 7             17:34    Marshalltown
  198    90  Kyle Schipper, 7            17:36    Dallas Center-Grimes
  199        Joe Salaba, 8               17:38    Valley
  200        Tim Scheve, 7               17:40    Waukee
  201        Joseph Metzger, 8           17:42    Marshalltown
  202        Trey Galetich, 7            17:42    Dallas Center-Grimes
  203        Thomas Jimenez, 8           17:44    Ankeny
  204        Simon Sheaff, 8             17:48    Dowling Catholic
  205        Nolan Wright, 8             17:52    Ankeny
  206    91  Jack Walsh, 8               17:57    Roosevelt
  207        Jacob Lee, 7                17:59    Waukee
  208        Noe Lopez, 8                18:06    Valley
  209        Conner Cope, 8              18:08    Marshalltown
  210        Andy Wisner, 8              18:19    Valley
  211        Connor Pearson, 7           18:22    Southeast Polk
  212        Jason Lee, 7                18:24    Waukee
  213        Zach Marchal, 8             18:37    Waukee
  214        Garrett Cook, 8             18:39    Newton
  215        Reed Molander, 8            18:46    Urbandale
  216        Haris Kahrimanovic, 8       18:50    Ankeny
  217        Brandon Carlson, 7          18:54    Waukee
  218        Nick Tallman, 7             19:04    Southeast Polk
  219        Brady Engel, 7              19:41    Waukee
  220        Aj Edwards, 7               20:11    Waukee
  221        Luke Bruflat, 7             20:30    Johnston
  222        Nathan Case, 7              20:44    Waukee
  223        Tyler Konzen, 7             21:39    Dallas Center-Grimes
  224        Jared Pugh, 7               22:59    Dallas Center-Grimes
  225        David Baker, 7              23:17    Johnston
  226        Dylan McMains, 8            23:36    Southeast Polk
  227        Andrew Hess, 8              29:56    Urbandale


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