1 Before the meet: Fill out signup sheet. All info is keyed off Bib Number.
2 Before the meet: Make a copy of this spread sheet for each race É example file name: 2003 Varsity Boys. Using this format will print a clear header on the race results in items 4 and 5 below.
3 After each race, open appropriate spread sheet. Under the race order tab, In order of finish, enter Bib Number, tab, Time in Minutes, tab, Seconds. Push enter to go to the next entry. Hint: Copying Minutes Down can save typing. As an alternative to entering the data into the spreadsheet, push Cntl-Z to open a form. Printing this sheet will give the race results in order of finish.
4 After all the results have been entered in the Race Order folder, Open the School Sort folder, push Ctrl-S at the same time to sort the result in School Order. Printing out this sheet will allow the race officials to calculate the team scores.
5 Printing Hint: Deleting rows of unused positions will reduce time to print results. For example, if only 150 race positions are used, delete rows 160 through 300 in Race Results and School Sort sections before sorting and printing. Can also use preview and print just the pages you want or print area to define area to print.