Johnston Invitational Middle School Boys 2 mi.

Walnut Ridge, Saylorville Lake, IA

Sept. 5, 2006

79 degrees, 40% humidity, partly cloudy

Results by Michael Franke

Girls results here

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 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Jordan Hoyt                 12:20    Waukee
    2     2  Drew Jackson                12:29    Johnston
    3     3  Mitchell Wink               12:50    Waukee
    4     4  Chad Gutschenritter         12:52    Waukee
    5     5  Cameron Pearson             13:15    Johnston
    6     6  Steffen Williams            13:18    Waukee
    7     7  Jon Houp                    13:23    Johnston
    8     8  Jon Choda                   13:24    Waukee
    9     9  Ryan Freeman                13:52    Waukee
   10    10  Collin Foster               13:57    Waukee
   11    11  Michael Knoedel             14:10    Johnston
   12    12  Jj Worley                   14:11    Johnston
   13    13  Chandler Conlon             14:17    Waukee
   14    14  Jake Foutch                 14:31    Johnston
   15    15  Lincoln Eppard              14:36    Johnston
   16    16  Austin Bowen                14:56    Johnston
   17    17  Chase Wallace               15:07    Johnston
   18    18  Alex Peterson               15:10    Johnston
   19    19  Alex Bumqus                 15:14    Johnston
   20    20  John   Carlson              15:18    Waukee
   21    21  Hank Mandsager              15:23    Johnston
   22    22  Nick Vogel                  15:38    Johnston
   23    23  Matthew Probst              15:48    Johnston
   24    24  Kyle Naig                   15:52    Johnston
   25    25  Kelle Marsh                 15:54    Johnston
   26    26  Brandon Miller              15:55    Johnston
   27    27  Chris Coble                 15:56    Johnston
   28    28  Matthew Slaughter           15:59    Waukee
   29    29  Ryan Valk                   16:00    Waukee
   30    30  Collin Shares               16:01    Johnston
   31    31  Evan Culbert                16:05    Johnston
   32    32  Konnor Plagge               16:10    Johnston
   33    33  Joshua Harms                16:12    Waukee
   34    34  Jason Kane                  16:18    Johnston
   35    35  Adam Nelson                 16:19    Waukee
   36    36  Josh Cronin                 16:20    Johnston
   37    37  Jacob Meyer                 16:21    Waukee
   38    38  Conner McDermott            16:22    Waukee
   39    39  Walker Desing               16:26    Waukee
   40    40  Bakir Hujdurevuc            16:58    Johnston
   41    41  Robbie Spearman             17:50    Johnston
   42    42  Nolan Matrz                 17:53    Johnston
   43    43  Ross Cunningham             18:07    Waukee
   44    44  Kyle Jarnagin               18:22    Johnston
   45    45  Austin Smoldt               18:32    Johnston
   46    46  Alex Vlach                  18:43    Johnston
   47    47  Alex Ewing                  18:53    Johnston
   48    48  Justin Nicolet              19:43    Johnston
   49    49  Patrick Rogers              20:27    Johnston
   50    50  Trevor Anderson             21:09    Johnston
   51    51  Trevor Potter               21:46    Bondurant-Farrar
   52    52  Tanner Clawson              23:25    Waukee
   53    53  Brett McGinnis              25:28    Johnston
   54    54  Bryce Plew                  27:28    Johnston


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