36th Road O Cross

@ Living History Farms Letters about the events

Awesome. Thank you!

Steve: I still have my chip (#1900) from today's race. Having lost one years ago, I've taken to affixing it to my shoes through my laces rather than using the twist-ties but the laces were too frozen to untie after the race. I can bring it in to Fitness Sports on Monday if that's OK.
Kevin Huerkamp

Do you have the dates for next year’s run? We had a lot of participants come into Bass Pro looking for water socks, and unfortunately we ran out, and we would like to make sure we are prepared next year.

Just wanted to say "thank you" for all of your hard work. I really enjoy this race and appreciate everything you folks do to make it fun, exciting, and a must run type of race!
Take care,
Coach M.

Thanks, Steve, for all your work on this. It was awesome this year!
Becky L.

AweSome Job today....
If you end up with any XL Nike jackets let me know......see u in 2014

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