Results 2004

Send us you stories and anecdotes HERE. We will publish them HERE.


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Once again, over 4200 entrants!

3798 Finishers in the 10K race. 120 in the 2K (1.24 Miles)
(and a bunch of kids)

Results links are below!

"Thanks" go out to the over 200 volunteers who did an "Awesome Job". They and Stan Smith (who spends over a month of his free time creating the course) are the reason things go so smoothly.

A letter

Thanks to all who organized and ran this event.

This was the first year I have ran this race and I have to say it inspired me to get back seriously into running and fitness, or at least run more than 2 times a month.

Being a vain former good prep runner 20 years ago, I have been away from running because I could not handle the shame of 8:00 minute pace and being out of breath at mile 1. I came to this race alone, driving 200 miles each way and it was worth every minute of the 1 hour plus it took me to finish. This race reminded me what is important about running, the camaraderie, the fun, the satisfaction of starting and finishing and giving it your best. I have missed out on years of fun and better health due to such immaturity. Stan Smith is an evil genius of the most wonderful sort, thanks Stan for a course I will be telling runner friends and non-runner friends ( to their dismay) for a long time.

Today, Sunday morning, I hurt all over and it feels really good. I was covered in mud, wet, cold with scratches and scrapes from bushes and such. I felt like my chest was going to burst and walked at times, but felt as good afterwards as any race I won in High School. I wore a pair of NB trail shoes I bought a year ago and were embarrassingly as clean as the day I bought them with about 3 walking miles on them. I am happy to say I had to hose them off and they were properly christened for future trail running in this great race.

A couple of observations I had: After watching the morning news and the ridiculous melee that broke out at an NBA game the night before, I was struck by how the runners lined up. It was kind of cold, windy and many people had little keeping them warm. All the runners (3700+) went quiet while a prayer was said, many sang along with the national anthem. Then as the gun went off we all walked, ran and climbed together. The support, humor, cooperation and helping that went on reminded me little of what I remembered from cross country many years ago. I remembered trying to win, get ahead and keep others behind me. I realize I learned little from that after all in the long run. I saw what sets people who run and love it from the rest of the population, of course there are other groups who have their own activities that fulfill just as much, I am glad that running is my choice again.

Another observation is the fact that I left some of my clothes and a camera on a pile by a tree and they were there when I went back for them, this for a guy who locks his truck if I leave it for 5 minutes. Every other person I met was helpful and just there to have fun. I have been a cynic of sorts through most of my adult life, but have to say to see 4000 or so runners and more supporters and volunteers made me realize that we see what we look for in life.

To sum it up, this may seem a little touchy feely, but what I want to get across is for me the race was a really GREAT time, yet it felt like more than just a race, it was an experience.

Thanks again to all the volunteers and fellow runners

Tim from Illinois

More letters HERE.

The biggest single group is once again the 19-24 Women.

Some Key Pictures coming












more pics will be here

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Pictures from 2004 coming in next couple days!

Next year's race Nov. 19th, 2005

Results links are below!

We'd like your thoughts on the race, good or bad.
In order to improve the race, we need YOUR input!
Send us you comments (bad and good) and anecdotes HERE

115 finishers among Men 14 & Under
395 finishers among Men 15 - 18
373 finishers among Men 19 - 24
304 finishers among Men 25 - 29
225 finishers among Men 30 - 34
229 finishers among Men 35 - 39
197 finishers among Men 40 - 44
153 finishers among Men 45 - 49
96 finishers among Men 50 - 54
65 finishers among Men 55 - 59
24 finishers among Men 60 - 64
8 finishers among Men 65 - 69
5 finishers among Men 70 & Up
71 finishers among Women 14 & Under
312 finishers among Women 15 - 18
461 finishers among Women 19 - 24
215 finishers among Women 25 - 29
149 finishers among Women 30 - 34
130 finishers among Women 35 - 39
111 finishers among Women 40 - 44
86 finishers among Women 45 - 49
38 finishers among Women 50 - 54
16 finishers among Women 55 - 59
2 finishers among Women 60 - 64
2 finishers among Women 65 - 69
2197 male finishers
1601 female finishers
3798 total finishers in the 10K

10 K Overall

Top Finishers (Age Group)

Teams (except Coed)

Coed Teams

2 K Fun Run

Link to last years results

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