2003 Living History Farms stories

Race results at bottom of page!
Pictures by www.Brightroom.com. More are on their way! Sign up to be notified here.!

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This was my first time running this race. I just started running about a year and a half ago, and have run several 5K races, but this is the farthest I have ever run. It did NOT feel like 6 miles..which was great! It was so much fun that it was easy to forget how far I was actually running, and how cold I was! I want to thank you for putting on such a fun, successful race. I saw the apology for the 1mile race...hopefully people will realize things like this happen sometimes. This race is absolutely huge and we are all human...mistakes will be made:) I will definately be running it again next year, but will be hoping for a little warmer temperatures! Thanks again!
DF in Urbandale
As we were approaching the first dive into the ravines at about mile 3 or so, the long line of runners was winding its way along the end rows of a field, up and down over the terraces, when a good size buck deer came careening out of the woods. He was trapped between the line of runners on his left, and the highway on his right, and was non too pleased about it. He made several feints toward the runners, veering off each time, before he finally decided there was no choice but to jump OVER us. He cut directly in front of me, leaping high as he cut into the pack. Several runners hit the deck, and one of the guys with the huge afros and leisure suits may have been brushed, but no one was hurt. I could have reached out and grabbed his hind leg as he soared through the air in front of my face, but thought better of it. We all got a good kick of adrenaline, and as I commented (gasping) at the time, "Just what we need...a little excitement to get our hearts pounding!" All in all, it was extremely cool! J.J.
One unique thing that I observed while running took place right as I was about to enter the woods about mile 3 or so. A fairly good sized male deer came charging, and I mean flying, out of the woods. A buddy of mine who was close but not by me said the deer headed towards the flow of runners AND LEAPED OVER THE CROWD. You don't see that at many local road races.
As always, your hard work is greatly appreciated and you should know you really do provide the running community with a Midwestern gem of a race!

D. L.
New Hartford, IA
This is my first LHF race and what a great time I had!! I'll be back every year.
The race had started, we had run a ways, I was at my first stream. I was going up the side and
somone jumped down and pushed me in the stream. I was wet from my head to my toes, but that
was the funnest part geting durty and wet, and had to run that way the rest of the way, I was cold
but it was fun. I finished in 231th place. I highly recommend this race, and I will be back next year.
Lori K

Dear Steve and the "team of Capital Striders & other helpers".

I like to practice gratitude. This evening I feel compelled to write and express my thanks to you for your role in making central Iowa a great place to live. Thank you for today's race. Thank you for your role in and sponsorship of so many other races throughout the year. Thank you for all you do for the local running community.
Please feel free to copy this to other Striders who's names and contributions I may be unaware of but to whom I also am grateful, on behalf of myself, many of my friends, and the Ames Area Running Club.

Absolutely FANTASTIC!!! This was my first time running this event and I loved it!!!! What a great change of pace for someone whose "off road" running consists of paved trails. My friend and I had a great time and can't wait to get back and do it again. Thanks for putting on such a great event.

S W, Des Moines
I just was at the site, looking through the results. I saw you had a mixup of the 1 milers. I am sure you have gotten some grief from this, so I just wanted to say thanks. I did the 10k yesterday, and had the a wonderful
time. This was my first LHF race. I will be back every year from now on. It was the most well done race, and I think the faces and laughs of everyone in the race showed it.

So thank you again, I really enjoyed myself. You guys did a wonderful job.


My daughter and niece (ages 11 & 8) ran in the 1 mile race this morning. We were very disappointed with the way this race was conducted. This was their first "real" race and they have been practicing for several months. There was no clear course for them to run. We have been involved in Cross Country for several years through the high school in Ames and were expecting it to be conducted in a similiar manner. We expected there to be someone leading the race so that the course was clear to the participants. I think this was dangerous to have kids out there not knowing where they were going. At one point someone told her and several others that they were in an area they were not supposed to be in. They asked where should they go and he ignored them or didn't hear them. I think my daughter ended up running about 2 1/2 miles. My husband and I were very nervous when only a few runners had finished after 10-15 minutes. When my daughter crossed the finish line she was in tears and said, "I never want to run another race again". This was her first reaction and I think we have her feeling positive about it again but I'm sure this isn't the reaction you want to have young runners feeling. Another thing that was especially disappointing to my daughter and niece was that they were looking forward to seeing their mile time. We would like to participate in this in the future, and hope that this is not the normal way it is conducted.

We were very disappointed with the 1 mile race. My 8 yr old daughter had been training for two months to run her first race. She took it very serious, as did my 11 yr old niece. We feel that our race was just blown off. First we had to hunt for 1/2 hour to find where it started. Then they told us to run up the hill and back. There was no one on the course to tell us where to turn around. We were well on the 10k course when we decided to turn around ourselves. My niece was too far ahead of us. A race official stopped her but did not tell her where she should go. She felt lost and very scared. We paid $13 each to run this race. This wasn't a kid fun race---it was suppose to be a real competition--with prizes going to the top male and female finishers.
An apology and refund would be appreciated.

Same person after the reply that is on the results page;

Thank you for your apology. My daughter and I would like to have the complimentary entry in the 2004 race. She wants to keep running and by next year she may be able to complete a 10K. It will be nice if she could set a goal to be ready by next year.
S. T.

I ran in the 1+ mile and ended up running 2 miles, you need to be more organized.

Thank you for your apology and very clear description of what happened.

I have run the 6 mile race in the past (top 10 in my age group last year), and have been very impressed with the organization of the entire event.
This year, my 8 year old wanted to run the 1 mile, so I was obliged to join him instead of the big people. Not knowing what the route was supposed to be, we thought it would take us into the woods and across a creek or two. Because of the mix up, we continued past the turn around point, further "upstream" into the 10k route. After about 1.5 miles, I gave up and found a path back towards the road and on to the finish line (from the west). But not before we got to cross three creeks and slide down the steep hill with the ropes. My boy was thrilled - he had a great time. We each got medals, ate donuts and drank apple cider - but best of all, we got to run thru the woods and cross creeks.
In the future, I wonder if it would be possible to start the "1 mile" in the woods and just complete the last portion of the big race instead of out and back. That way the kids can get some of the fun of the woods and creeks!
Mark and Boone, age 8)

In the excitementof the day -- I picked up my race number -- and later realized I never got a shirt. I assume you were out. If so, can you please mail me one -- they are my favorites.


Pictures by www.Brightroom.com. More are on their way! Sign up to be notified here.! These make Great Holidays Gifts.

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2003 Living History Farms Race results

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