2024 Dairy Day 5K,
Sponsored by
Women of Fredericksburg, IA.Thanks so much to everyone for coming! The event raised over $1800 to be used for community events and activities!
5K results:
17 and under
Male: Lewey Arens
Female: Rylee Shonka
Male: Tate Rochford
Female: Carrie Hanson
30-39 Male: Ryan Pett, with a time of 19:01, overall
Female: Laura Pett
Male: Chris Steege
Female: Rachael Johnson
Male: Scott Smith
Female: Sharon SteegeThank you to Chickasaw EMS and Chickasaw County Deputy Zach Nosbisch for being at the
event! Thank you to the Dairy Day board for all their work and promotion!Temperature 70¬i
55 people participated.
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